So some people describe tin as being lightweight sheet metal used on the outer shells of appliances and various things like that basically Shred price. $150/ton. $0.075/lbs. Okay now I find on, and a few other stock market sites, that Tin at market value, is $8 or $9/ lbs. What are they referring to as tin? What makes "tin" Tin? I have possibly seen reference to maybe older antique sheeting on machine sheds? Or antique tin kitchen appliances or utencil ware, or antique tin toys? And if that is tin, are people just using tin as a slang to describe sheet metal?
Where can I find this 8 dollar a pound TIN?! what are some applications or products I can look for and how to distinguish TIN from. Galvanized or zinc plated or hdkshxjrjgkdjdh