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  1. #1
    Lazen started this thread.
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    <span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">'New'widespread rules o

    A friend of mine the other day was told at a yard of 'new' widespread' rules coming in affecting 'everyone '
    'everywhere'by which long previously accepted brass was in future to be 100% clean and pure and free
    of all small iron or rubber etc in order to be accepted for the brass price.
    Is this true?
    Up till now many yards have been turning a blind eye.

    Pure Brass £3 kilo

    Dirty Brass £1 kilo

    New rule or scam?

  2. #2
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I don't think it's a new rule or a scam. Clean and dirty prices have been in place for a long time at all the yards I go to.
    I would say the yards you speak of are being forced by their buyers to separate their brass and other metals better. When a buyer pays for a load of clean brass and gets something that's maybe 75% clean, I would think that would be unacceptable to the buyer. It would be to me.
    Of course all of this is just speculation on my part. I'm just a phone man but I do know how to separate my metals.
    Correct me if I'm wrong. I always encourage constructive criticism.

  3. #3
    Lazen started this thread.
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    Much more time and work then.
    Some brass is well nigh impossible to clean.
    What about rubber washers INSIDE taps?
    Id figured small iron 'melted'in the vat so kinda vanished
    without affecting purity.
    Thing is some dealers don't seem fussed still.
    So thought maybe THEY are paying for dirty and selling in bulk to THEM
    behind my back?

  4. #4
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Alot has to do with "street cred" or as your reputation you have. Ive sold over 100 lbs of clean brass and the scale guy would take my 30 lb brass breakage bucket of water heater valves with it. Hes done it twice this year. Ive even said thats breakage man, He said meh and shrugged his shoulders.

    But I would have to say clean your brass as much as possible. The buyer the yard sells to has their standers also. That rubber washer in a valve isnt that big a deal, but if its stuck and you cant undo the top to get out the washer, i wouldnt worry about it

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