I scrapped a bunch in high school for gas money, it was a lot of fun. Since then I have gone off to college, graduated, and worked a few years with a steady income in a good career (that I enjoy and still work at). Finding myself without any real hobbies, I started scrapping again, I love it, it is a lot of fun, like treasure hunting. I love taking stuff apart and finding stuff. Im not doing it for much profit, more for fun/enjoyment. Someone mentioned to me that by me taking scrap from the curb, I am essentially taking money from people who scrap for a living and to feed their kids and pay their bills, and I dont feel too great about that. How do people on here feel about amateur scrapping? Ive been trying to only go as close to when the trash truck comes so I only take stuff that for sure is going to the dump if I dont take it. Giving others the chance to get the good stuff.... what are peoples thoughts?