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  1. #1
    kss started this thread.
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    Does anywhere buy power-cord ends or non-gold computer wire connector ends?

    I chop off the plug part of power cords so I have just normal insulated wire. I have buckets of power cord ends (like that plug into the wall). I heards some of the metal prongs are brass, so I can look for that. As far as the ones that are not, is there anything I can with them? Will anyone buy them as is? Should I just throw them in with shred? Same thing for computer wire ends (that are plastic, but have some non-gold metal). Examples are show below.


  2. #2
    hills's Avatar
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    I'm not aware of any plug end buyers ... though they may be out there.

    You might do a scratch test with a file or a grinder on those male plug ends. The ones i've found so far seem to yellow brass underneath with a shiny silver colored plating. I don't see many that are straight brass anymore.

    I usually put the male ends in the vise and yank off the metal parts with a vise grip. I kinda use a rolling motion to the side to get em' free. Haven't found a good method for the female ends yet.

    I don't bother with the computer power connector ends pictured at the bottom. Best guess is that they could be nickel -or- nickel plated to resist corrosion. They might be worthwhile if you could process hundreds of pounds of them in a hammermill of some kind to separate the metal from the plastic ?

    Always wondered about the gold plated connector ends and if there might actually be more value in the base metal than in the plating.

  3. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I twist off the brass ends and add them to the brass bucket. The cut ends can go in with the sheet iron by me, so I load up a microwave, coffee can, Pringles can or other item that can hold the ends and tape it shut. I used to remove holiday light bulbs to get #2 wire and could get rid of those ends as shred as well. Now the lights are sold as is with the brass prongs removed.
    Better than the dump!

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  5. #4
    kss started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    I twist off the brass ends and add them to the brass bucket. The cut ends can go in with the sheet iron by me, so I load up a microwave, coffee can, Pringles can or other item that can hold the ends and tape it shut. I used to remove holiday light bulbs to get #2 wire and could get rid of those ends as shred as well. Now the lights are sold as is with the brass prongs removed.
    Yea I do have a microwave that I am going to not bother with taking apart (dont want any chance of damaging the micro-wavey bit and blast myself with chemicals or radiation). I could throw them all in there, don't know how my scrap yard would feel about that though. Its mostly plastic instead of mostly metal. They may think I am trying to pull a fast one on them. Guess it wouldnt hurt for me to just ask them.

  6. #5
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    Every yard I've tried to sell copper/brass wire ends at has happily bought them as low grade copper or brass breakage. It's not a lot but should be at least twice shred price. Don't expect a lot more than maybe .07/lb. If pulling off the male connectors (lol) just put it in with your shred and somewhere upstream a bale shredder will collector the little copper that remains

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  8. #6
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I get .53 a pound for all types of connectors. I leave them on the wire and sell as is.

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  10. #7
    kss started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    I get .53 a pound for all types of connectors. I leave them on the wire and sell as is.
    Interesting, but I would bet that most of that .53c value is in the wire, not the ends. I clip the ends so I can get a better price for the wire. But I guess I should ask if they care if I leave the ends on or not on my insulated wire. I only saw one insulated wire price at my yard so they may not care or already factor the ends being left on into the price. Ill have to do some more investigating

  11. #8
    kss started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJinLV View Post
    Every yard I've tried to sell copper/brass wire ends at has happily bought them as low grade copper or brass breakage. It's not a lot but should be at least twice shred price. Don't expect a lot more than maybe .07/lb. If pulling off the male connectors (lol) just put it in with your shred and somewhere upstream a bale shredder will collector the little copper that remains
    Yea I'll probably end up just dumping it into clear plastic containers and throwing into shred and hopefully they are fine with it.

  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    I get .53 a pound for all types of connectors. I leave them on the wire and sell as is.
    That's a great price for brass connectors!!

  13. #10
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    I like this type of brass connectors.

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