some times I hate this site, just posted a good responce only to lose it all when trying to post it
scrappers are no different then any other business or proffesional, both partys have to CYA. Contract, ID, reffrences etc. when you sign the contract make sure he pays you at least a dollar in advance other wise the contract is uninforcable.
untill he pays you it is your property he is just a contract hauler. you control the flow of material. 2 light iron loads, then a heavy #1 load, the honey goes last, by that time he should have the money to pay a substancial deposit per load.
if in doubt follow your instincts, but remember those here on this site cannot jepordise their reputations so you may search for some one here.
we are no different then any other business and more honest then some, (Banksters politicians, and lawyers) are there some unscrupulis people out there yep there is , they can only hurt you financially, they can ruin our reputation,our business, and way of life.