I keep coming up with other thoughts on the issue of whether its not worthwhile to strip wire for the original poster of this thread. When asking yourself whether its worthwhile, aside from being aware of the price differences between stripped and unstripped wire you also have to ask yourself what you would otherwise be doing if you weren't stripping wire. For example: I really like to go to the bar, but because I'm saving up for something I'd rather be stripping wire and make a couple extra bucks rather than spend it on my Long Island Iced Teas which would also render me hung over and prevent me from scrapping the next day. At the same time, if I'm aware of a large quantity of scrap that's more valuable than my stripped wire I'm doing myself harm by being at home stripping my wire. My wire isn't going anywhere, I've already got it but the scrap that isn't already in my possession is going to get picked up by someone else, better I snag that scrap and strip my wire when I don't have anything better to do. I realize this may be logical but it only became common sense to me when I was on vacation from work and became lazy to go out scrapping(I was recovering from being sick) and calculated the weight of the wire I stripped and the amount of time it took me to strip it versus the weight of aluminum and other metal I could have collected.