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wire connectors are aluminum

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  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    wire connectors are aluminum

    Not the barrel connectors but the spade types - are they always brass? heres why i ask, my dad told me there are 17 types of brass so im assuming that means different colors. I've been saving my ends that i snip and some are yellow I assume those are brass and some are aluminum colored. Are they all brass just different colors or are they indeed brass and aluminum going by color? I tried searching here but didnt come up with concrete answer. Just like electric cord plugs, I assumed those are always brass also. Lol, now I'm not so sure!

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I don't think their alum. cause you would not want the connector to melt down the first time you had a good voltage draw on it. Definitely could start a fire.

  3. #3
    Mick's Avatar
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    Brass is made of copper and zinc. Other elements, such as aluminum, may also be alloyed for specific purposes. There are actually more than 17 "types" of brass. But basically, your yard is usually going to go by common properties (magnetic, color etc) to classify metal. Going to extremes is only confusing the issue.

    Brass is yellow
    Copper is red
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  4. #4
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Lol, thats what i was thinking too! This is such a simple item and I'm thinking to myself - ''Seriously? you can't figure this one out? Seriously??? '' lol. So I have to think they are brass then even when they are white all the way through.

    Mick, I've just thrown them in with my aluminum since they were white in color but if they are made of brass I'd rather get brass price.

  5. #5
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    They are often zinc or tin plated, which is why they are silver colored. They'd be real light if they were aluminum. Get a big #10 food can and just cut em off and toss em in that. When it's full, sell them as brass (there's actually a grade for terminals).

    Be sure to check them with a magnet, here in the motor factory we have some ring terminals that are tin plated steel that are used on ground leads (ground wires are always green BTW) for cost reduction.

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