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I have a question about any kind of mower engine. I tried taking a push mower engine completely apart once but only got down as far as the metal rods(?) inside and could get em out. Is there a way to get every piece of metal out of engine blocks or are there always going to be one or two pieces permanently housed inside? I ended up getting the mixed price since I could get it all the way apart.
What rods? The connecting rod, or stuff pressed into the block? Been awhile since I tore one down but I believe the rods inside are pressed. Get some vise grips on it and whack it with a hammer to pull it out.
I can get everything off but the sleeve and valves. I need to get a valve compressor unless anyone has an idea. I tried a sawzall and cutoff wheel. No go. Tried a screwdriver but couldn't compress it enough to get the retainer off.
If I snap a head bolt I grind thru it till it quits sparking.
I tried using a sledge on a block, that was a no go as well.
The band saw idea sounds like it could work, except I don't have one. If I can cut it lengthwise I think I can pop the sleeve loose.