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New to Scrapping and have a question

| Scrap Metal Questions and Answers
  1. #1
    pizzaguy55 started this thread.
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    Question New to Scrapping and have a question

    A little background. I just lost my old job and have been looking for ways to keep some income coming in. Met a guy over the weekend who was talking about scrapping things for money and it piqued my interest. Now I'm completely engrossed and have somehow over the course of four days accumulated quite the load to take to the yard. I also have the chance to pick up a car shell for free but it doesn't have a title. I'm in Ohio and not sure if there is any way to scrap this or not. I thought maybe if i took a few pieces and cut the rest down? I could use the money but I don't want to deal with the trouble that could follow. Any tips for the new guy would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    rca987's Avatar
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    Tip: READ alot of previous context.

    But yes, technically speaking you can chop a car up beyond recognition, and turn it in that way, without a title. (As long as you don't steal the car).

    Surprising how much metal you find just looking around the house at things you wouldn't consider anything more than trash, now isn't it?

    Welcome to the forums.

  3. #3
    pizzaguy55 started this thread.
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    Thanks for the tip. I was hoping to avoid chopping it up but considering it's free I don't want to pass it up. I really am amazed at how much stuff I've accumulated that would have been tossed in the garbage before. I'm getting ready to take apart a tv and some audio equipment tonight to strip them down My girl keeps telling me I look like a kid at Christmas.

  4. #4
    Mick's Avatar
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    If you have the space, you might hold onto that car until you find out your state laws regarding junking a car without a title. Here, a car over a certain age doesn't need a title.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  5. #5
    CMHN's Avatar
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    I found that different yards have different rules bout cars. I have one yard that will take anything that I give them, but others wont touch a car without a title. If none of the yards will take it without a title you can try cutting it apart and scrap it that way. I can dismantle a car in a couple hours using a sawzaw and a torch.

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