Hello to all,
I have been lurking and enjoying the forum wit and wisdom for several weeks now learning and soaking in the knowledge as I get my feet wet in the scraping world. I got started thanks to my sons who have collected cans for years. Well I had a bunch of scrap chain link fence left over from fencing my yard so I decided to take and and the boys with their cans directly to the yard instead of the trailer down the road. The boys were bugged eyed and impressed seeing all the scrappers turning in their weeks work and walking away with cash. It quickly turned into a summer job for the boys and a lot of fun as we have spent all of our spare time this summer collecting, breaking down, and sorting
scrap metal. For the summer we have collected roughly a 700lbs of cast iron, 1,500lbs of steel. (still don't think I know the diff between stainless and steel, so just calling it all steel for now) 90lbs of #1 and #2 copper, 45lbs of brass, and 35lbs of cast and sheet Aluminum. Thanks for all the insight.
OK now I have a question: I just called around to several of the local yards to compare prices as we plan to turn it all in tomorrow. According the the first yard steal and Iron seams to be holding OK but the price of #1 copper has drop from over $4lb to $3.39lb in the last week. I'm wondering if I should wait to turn my copper in.
I'm sure it is like timing the stock market but any and all thoughts are welcome.