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  1. #1
    Evan_O started this thread.
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    Q's about compressors, motors, and bottle caps for a semi-newbie

    Hey all,

    Just joined and introduced myself and already have a few questions. No worries I won't make 45 new threads today

    So I've done rooftop unit AC units and the compressors always were leaking the fluid without drilling.

    I just did a window unit and tediously separated all the copper from the coils by hand (power tools stolen not too long ago as posted in introduction. Doubled it from $15 to almost $30 without taking copper from motor behind the fan, and the compressor.

    My question(s) is can I get the oil out of the compressor without power tools? Maybe slamming on the pavement over a blanket then immediately dumping into container, or will the top release nut taken off do this for me? I'm an office manager and make good hourly but hours went from 38 per week, to a bit over 20. :/ Time and elbow grease not an issue. I'm in school for my Masters so need all the extra cash I can get no matter how hard or tedious it may be.

    Another question is I just took the motor apart and am soaking it in hot water to loosen the glue and manually remove the guesstimated 3lbs of copper. Any tips? I used acetone briefly as I know it can really mess up copper to loosen the glue. No more torch anymore so can't heat the metal around the casing, if that were even possible. I'm for the first time in a long time limited on funds so money is an issue... But hopefully temporary.

    Third question, and I searched and figured it was no, but can beer bottle caps be recycled with the cans? I assume its aluminum content is different but I have tons of bottle caps.

    Thanks for reading the ramble for those that made it this far. Heck I even didn't, my cat Apollo is typing what I'm telling :P

    There are more but I'll search more first before asking. I'm used to bodybuilding forums and on a trading card forum. (Basketball cards btw)

    Rambling over... For now anyway

  2. #2
    rca987's Avatar
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    Bottle caps are steel. Stick a magnet to it and find out to be sure.
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  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    A magnet will become one of your best tools,,,

  4. #4
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Most bottle caps are steel, they do make some aluminium bottles now, and I believe the caps on those are also aluminum.

  5. #5
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    have fun trying to open that compressor with out a saw or grinder . Grinders are only $20. I would invest in the grinder first they are a lot cheeper, and more versital. I have been known to put a school bus in the back of a pick up with an angle grinder. ( couple of loads of course.)

    I desinged and installed a new guard on my 5 in grinder so I can use up to 71/2 in blades.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 08-21-2011 at 06:13 PM.

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