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si, i was wondering (everyones input)

| Scrap Metal Questions and Answers
  1. #1
    Hemi22! started this thread.
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    si, i was wondering (everyones input)

    So, I'm very new to scrapping and I seen and read many posts so far and it seems like tvs are bout half and half on breaking down or not even bothering. I would like to know what is a few things that every scrapped sees that they must grab and why would you grab them (what's in them). And what are household items that everyone always grabs, anything from the garage to the kitchen.

  2. #2
    Hemi22! started this thread.
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    First off, what type of intro should I do, I'm new here so I just wanted to know a question first before I start talking to the "pros" about it. Second, I said I read many posts, not ALL of the post seeing how I just started reading today. And third, I read alot of post but not all cause I been looking on my cell phone and not every post I read I knew about, a good number of things I didn't know what they were seeing how I said I was NEW, so you call me a brick cause I don't absorb, how bout you read a little more closer next time to the new guy and just answer the question, help him out instead of being an a$$ about it. Thanks for the no help you gave. Oh yeah, my name is Hemi22! And I'm new to all this so I have a simple question before I start asking the questions that I haven't read yet. Good enough intro?

  3. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Looks like he is not a brick!

  4. #4
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    hemi, people get annoyed when someone bursts onto the scene and asks a bunch of questions. Questions that can be answered in the archives.

    As for me, if it's metal, I will grab it.

    Welcome aboard.

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  6. #5
    Hemi22! started this thread.
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    Oh, ok. Thank you idaho, now I know. I was only wondering cause I'm new but I'm also moving to WA in a mth so I can't start being a scrapped like everyone on here until I get up there.

  7. #6
    Hemi22! started this thread.
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    Well, I put Georgia which you can clearly see on the left there. That means USA. My question was what's yalls favorite thing to scrap. Bot a question in scrapping, just personal preference so how do I find that in the search forum exactly. Didn't realize there was a section called "My favorite things." If so, you couldve just said that. I am min no way entitled to an attitude, especially to yall who has been doing it for a long time and knows sambhar near everything but same applies to you, just cause you are a vet doesn't mean you can be an a$$ to the new guy, does it? And I did learn a few good things on the things I read, but like I said, it was a personal preference question.

  8. #7
    Mick's Avatar
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    I'm closing this thread. I think everyone has got their point across. Let's just let this one die so Hemi22! can get the information he's looking for. Hemi, if you haven't done so, go to the Introduction section and let us know something about you. Then ask your questions. You'll get plenty of help.

    PS - We were typing at the same time.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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