First off, what type of intro should I do, I'm new here so I just wanted to know a question first before I start talking to the "pros" about it. Second, I said I read many posts, not ALL of the post seeing how I just started reading today. And third, I read alot of post but not all cause I been looking on my cell phone and not every post I read I knew about, a good number of things I didn't know what they were seeing how I said I was NEW, so you call me a brick cause I don't absorb, how bout you read a little more closer next time to the new guy and just answer the question, help him out instead of being an a$$ about it. Thanks for the no help you gave. Oh yeah, my name is Hemi22! And I'm new to all this so I have a simple question before I start asking the questions that I haven't read yet. Good enough intro?