so my mom has this 1000 pound aluminum porch lift that was used for wheelchairs to get on the porch. It hasn't been used in years and she wants it gone and she said I could have the money for scrap. Now I have never done anything like this before and I tried calling the local scrap yard for what i should do and the guy wasn't that friendly.

He said if i bring the whole thing in its 10 cents a pound, so about 100 bucks. If i dismantle it its 40 cents a pound for the aluminum and then I would get copper prices for the electric motor.

Ive never scrapped before but im real broke and need the money so should i take my sawz all and tear it down or just be happy to make a 100 bucks[IMG][/IMG]? The guy also said the copper price was 2.40 a pound and i noticed on websites it was at 3.50? whats up with that? If anyone could get back to me i would greatly appreciate it

here is a picture to get that im talking about