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Newb Question First time to Metal Yard today

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  1. #1
    dllszilllascrapper started this thread.
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    Newb Question First time to Metal Yard today

    Hi Everyone:
    Today was my first time going to Metal Yard today. I do have a question from you more veterans out there. I had found two Rotors in a dumpster and had them weighed seperately. But they weighed them as Iron and only got payed .08 Lb. I thought the rotors were classified as Cast Iron #1. I didn't realize it until after I had allready left but live and learn right. So am I correct or am I wrong.
    I found some reciever boxes on the way home and have broken into them allready. But there is mainly circuit boards inside them. Not much copper from what I can see so far. Are these circuit boars worth anything or just get the copper off of them? I know there not like the computer circuit boards so I'm trying to learn. Yes I have been reading up on the stuff on here and going back just haven't seen anything on this subject yet.
    All the info on here has helped me out so far and got me started. So any and all help regarding the above questions would be very greatfull and helpfull.

    Have a Great Day

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    All yards are different when it come to sorting and since you only had 2 rotors that's not really enough poundage to negotiate with them. Now if you had a hundreds of pounds of them, then game on. Welcome to the forum.
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  4. #4
    junkdude1959's Avatar
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    Rotors at my yard are classified "clean auto cast" and usually go higher in price, but only two would have went in my shred pile or saved until I got more...just saying...

  5. #5
    newattitude's Avatar
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    I get more for the rotors, not much more but almost a dime. Even if I only have 1 or 2 they weigh seperately. I asked last time why they are different and he told me they have more cobalt in them.

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    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    thanks for sharing that attitude...I vaguely remember hearing this before, but I had forgotten and reminders are very good for us senior members !!! (everyone else too, I've surmised from being here a while...don't feel as bad about my bad memory after seeing youngsters ask the same questions over and over and ....)

  8. #7
    dllszilllascrapper started this thread.
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    Hello Everyone:
    Okee well thanks for you info on the rotors. I looked it up and found that the rotors were classified as Cast Iron #1. So it just depends on what the yard classifies them as when you take them. Next time I will hold on to them until I have more than just 2.
    Thanks for the input on the circuit boards also. I will just rip what little copper is on them and see if there is any aluminum on there.
    Like I said I have only got scrapping 3 times now so I'm learning what is what real quick. Now I know there's not much in dvd,vcrs, and cable boxes. Seems to be a waste of time but its Money as you more veteran guys would say.

  9. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Cable and satellite receiver boxes are part of the hi-grade board family. I think you will find gold fingers or pins on the board. Not so for vcr/dvd/stereo boards, those are low-grade boards.
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  11. #9
    dllszilllascrapper started this thread.
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    Hello again to everyone:
    Mechanic668 you said they receiver boxes are considered hi-grad board. Well heres the problem I ripped all the copper and aluminum off of these circuit boards. Is that still okee or are these still considered Hi-Grade Boards. If there crap now well this is a learning experience of course.
    Thanks for your time and Help

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