Originally Posted by
I am sure they do buy it at $3-$5 thats a 150%-200% profit margin for the yard. Olddude, your yard is scamming you bad if they are paying clean aluminum price for it, time to find another yard.
I take offense to this statement. To me it seems as if you are insinuating that I am ripping off my customers. Newsflash: My company is in business to make money! I don't know how you can consider a business deal between two consenting adults, where both sides are satisfied with the deal, as being ripped off. If my customers don't like the prices that I offer, then they are more than welcome to take their scrap to another yard. I am not twisting their arm. Ripping them off would be telling them they have pot metal, zinc etc. or trying to mislead them.
Sikora is right...we sell our pewter maybe once a year. What happens if the bottom falls out of the tin market? We take a loss. Therefore, we hedge our bets and try to buy it at a wide margin so something like this doesn't happen. Show me a yard in my region that is buying pewter for $7+ a pound. You can't, because the composition varies so much that not every piece is the same. My company has been in business for 75+ years under two owners. You don't stay in business this long by cheating your customers.
Take a few business classes and come back and talk to me when you have more of a firm grasp on what "profit margin" and "overhead" is.