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Buying scrap wire at auctions

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  1. #1
    MOscrapper is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Buying scrap wire at auctions

    Newbie here...hope this is the right board. There are some partial rolls of wire at an upcoming auction in my area. Is there any good way for me to guestimate how much is a fair price to pay for these? It would soley be for scrap. I'm going to attempt to attach a pic. Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated! I'm brand new at this scrap stuff.

  2. #2
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    you need a whole lot more info, type of wire size of wire length of wire, weight? But my guess is you dont need to bother. with all the attention on copper, unreal scrapper, unreal auction and other unreality shows on TV some idiot will pay twice what it is worth, dont let that idiot be you . just my .02.

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    bjybjy is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    You probably can't go wrong if you pay less than $.50/pound for that wire, but make sure it is copper wire first. You could probably pay a little more depending on how thick the copper is.

  6. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    It looks like regular copper hookup wire, I'm guessing those rolls to be 500 footers. You'll have to guess how much is missing and calculate accordingly. I can't tell if the larger white is 10ga. or 12ga. and it gets smaller gauge from there.
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  7. #6
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Am I missing something here? Why does this wire need to be scrapped? I would think it is worth much more as wire then scrap.

    Just my 2 bits.
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  8. #7
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    Am I missing something here? Why does this wire need to be scrapped? I would think it is worth much more as wire then scrap.

    Just my 2 bits.
    Yep! Ebay that stuff, better than scrap value!

    Good luck,
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  9. #8
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I have found out that, after stripping wire from car looms & household appliance wiring.
    That the final weight of the burnt off wire is 2/3rds of the plastic coated weight.

    Ie, I strip car looms down to the individual wires & cut the brass clips off & weigh it.
    If it comes up as 15Kg, I know I will get about 10 Kg of copper after burning the plastic off.

    One thing I notice here (SMF) is that the US of A uses Lbs, & that = 454gms here.
    We, in NewZealand, use Kgs, thats 2.2Lbs.
    That leaves a huge margin of error compared to using Lbs.

    Ie, I can have a weight of 15.9Kgs & it comes up on the scales as 15Kgs. That means I have just lost 2Lbs of weight......

  10. #9
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    I have found out that, after stripping wire from car looms & household appliance wiring.
    That the final weight of the burnt off wire is 2/3rds of the plastic coated weight.

    Ie, I strip car looms down to the individual wires & cut the brass clips off & weigh it.
    If it comes up as 15Kg, I know I will get about 10 Kg of copper after burning the plastic off.

    One thing I notice here (SMF) is that the US of A uses Lbs, & that = 454gms here.
    We, in NewZealand, use Kgs, thats 2.2Lbs.
    That leaves a huge margin of error compared to using Lbs.

    Ie, I can have a weight of 15.9Kgs & it comes up on the scales as 15Kgs. That means I have just lost 2Lbs of weight......
    That's a great point about the rounding down of weight, but I'm not sure where this fits in here. I must have missed something again.

  11. #10
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    A good burn gets me the top $.
    A bad burn gets me, well burnt. I loose 2 Lbs of copper.

    The OP can use the 2/3rds rule as a guide but I can end up with a lot less (1/2) if I do it wrong.

    I tried to get top $ by stripping some good 3phase cable & ended up with hands full of tiny stab marks & about $5 extra.
    Ended up selling the rest whole to the scrapper, I bet he used it in his workshop extension, good on him.

  12. #11
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    A good burn gets me the top $.
    A bad burn gets me, well burnt. I loose 2 Lbs of copper.

    The OP can use the 2/3rds rule as a guide but I can end up with a lot less (1/2) if I do it wrong.

    I tried to get top $ by stripping some good 3phase cable & ended up with hands full of tiny stab marks & about $5 extra.
    Ended up selling the rest whole to the scrapper, I bet he used it in his workshop extension, good on him.
    Okay now I see your point.

    I still say sell the wire as wire and it will bring much better money. Look at how much a 10 foot roll of primary wire goes for at a auto parts store.
    There must be over a thousand feet of good wire there.

  13. #12
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    A good chart for calculating the weight of 1 ft of copper wire using an OHM meter.

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