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Pricing a shed removal

| Scrap Metal Questions and Answers
  1. #1
    scrap lap started this thread.
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    Pricing a shed removal

    How much do you guys estimate I can get for the shed below? It's listed as aluminum and steel so I'd imagine it's a steel frame and aluminum sheeting. I'm trying to decide if it's worth taking some time from work tomorrow to tear it down. TIA.

  2. #2
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Hard to say. In the picture it looks pretty small compared to the garage off to the right there.

    I take it you found it on CL. Keep in mind most people see thin steel sheet and think it is aluminum.
    I would always get calls for garage door repair, I would ask, Is it a steel door or wood? Answer, "It's aluminum", "No mam they don't make an all aluminum garage door!"

    It looks like it is good shape from what I can see there. Maybe worth selling as a shed again or keep for scrap storage if you have the room.
    I would guess it will weigh less then 150 pounds even if it's mostly all steel. Again just a guess.
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  3. #3
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Last year, I must have done close to 30 sheds of all sides, with everyone thinking they were aluminum. None of them are. They are all sheet metal and because they are so thin and light weight, people always mistake them for aluminum. Depends on how much time it would take you to tear down. If it will come apart nice and easily, perhaps $50...if it will be a stubborn SOB, perhaps $100.
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  4. #4
    scrap lap started this thread.
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    Good points guys.

    George, it's in the free section of CL. Sorry if the title is misleading, I wouldn't be charging the owner. Just removing.

    Joe, keeping it for my own use may be a good idea. I can use it to store my lower quality e-waste that needs to be processed.

    My time is worth more than $15 shred price, but more storage is always welcome.

  5. #5
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    Experience can be a great payday as well. By doing this small shed and keeping track of time effort involved you will be much better prepared to set a price for the next one. Of course you can't put experience in the gas tank so that is part of the deceison making process. Best to you, Mike.

  6. #6
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Hard to tell from the pic but almost looks like it's an octagon and the roof is round or follows the hips of the octagon. Cool shape and maybe has some resale value.
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  7. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Could be a sheet metal sides fastened to an alum. framework. Maybe,,,
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