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Microfiche projector

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  1. #1
    Filthy started this thread.
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    Microfiche projector

    anyone ever scrapped one of these before? ive recently come into one. it seems to have some light steel and some low grade boards and a power supply. i dont have time to break it down until next week, but i will follow up once i have.

    my real question is does anyone know of anything particular in these machines that i should part out or salvage? thanks

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  2. #2
    Midnight's Avatar
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    Haven't scrapped one myself, but I would think besides what you mentioned, that you should also have a small fan (electric motor) for cooling the unit. They usually run pretty hot from the projector lamps. There might be some brass gearing depending on how it's feeding the microfiche. Possibly an aluminum heat sink(s).

    If you end up tearing it apart, why not take some pics for a post? Also, check and see if you can get more selling it for parts. You never know.

  3. #3
    Filthy started this thread.
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    good call on the fan. probably a heat sink for that too..

    i will most def post pics when i get the chance, i have to buy a new SD card for my phone before i can even take pics. stupid technology. i'd scrap my computer AND my phone but i use them too much

  4. #4
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Some demand for fiche reader that will print out a page, some folks collect the fiche data cards. I have a complete set of cards from a International Harvester dealership that closed in 85 if your looking for something to read on your unit.

    Try fleabay.

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