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Anyone heard the description of Aluminum *clip* before?

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  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Anyone heard the description of Aluminum *clip* before?

    so yesterday I had taken in some aluminum and I had a few pieces of aluminum poles in with my extrusion because I figured I'd pull it out later, was just keeping all my aluminum in one place until I got there. The owner who I'm on good terms with and is always helpful and will normally pull anything I have wrong out told me those few pieces that weren't the extrusion were aluminum clip. I was like, ''Aluminum what the heck?????'' He said, like aluminum sheet. Ok, ''Is'' or ''Like?'' all I could think of was for 8 months and countless trips I thought I'd heard it all and knew it all and does this mean I have to have 12 different buckets for types of aluminum instead of the usual 11 now? Lol. Ok, not really 11 but seems like that many!

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  3. #2
    Filthy's Avatar
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    it does seem like a dozen grades of AL! i hear that! i think AL clip sounds synonomous with AL turnings. its small clippings of sheet, or literal machine turnings, which the average scrapper doesnt really come across. because of the small thin pieces and the high surface area to volume ratio, they take it as lower grade because its more oxidized and yeilds less when refined. i will sort extrusion, cast, gutters/siding (when i have them), and cans. everything else gets thrown in a trash can till its full and i take dirty price for it. im good with that.

    its a crazy world we live in, and i gave up trying to understand it all
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  5. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Aluminum Clips
    A very common mix of 1100, 3003, 3004, 5005, 5052, 6061 and 6063. This mixture of alloys may also be found in aluminum MLC. This is most familiarized as most aluminum products with a sheet like appearance, free of any forien elements

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  7. #4
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I thought that 'Ali clip' was the waste punchings from a automatic press punch.
    Like where someones made a Ali electrical box & they have used a press punch to punch out holes for the cables to enter the box.
    So I looked here
    & found its actually flat Ali sheet, probably off cuts from the industry.

    The story with Ali turnings is.
    Even though it new & clean, its a mixed grade & has a large surface area (the turnings are curved with a real rough side on one side) & is most probably covered with a thin layer of cutting fluid (Water containing oil & detergent).
    It also takes up a lot of room.

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  9. #5
    Filthy's Avatar
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    some yards take the AL from broken apart AlCu rads as clip/turnings. thats the funny thing about yards. they dont always grade it based on what it is. they really just grade it based on what they are willing to pay for it.

    it makes sense that clip is mixed grade, thanks kiwi

  10. #6
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Thanks everyone for the links, thats farther than i got searching for this. At least I know I'm not crazy or anything now!

  11. #7
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    At least I know I'm not crazy or anything now!
    Keep telling urself that. JK new.
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