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TV tubes

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  1. #1
    joltinjoe started this thread.
    joltinjoe's Avatar
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    TV tubes

    So been taking apart tvs and was wondering if you know of the best way to get rid of the tube? I can get everything else taken care of ....just the pesky hazardous tubes. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    Check with a Goodwill near you. They have a deal to take them. I think it's with Best Buy.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    There's some info here also, Some Goodwill's and now some Best Buy's are starting to take the tv/monitors. If I understand correctly you just pull the wires and circuit board(if you want it) and pop the back onto the unit and screw it back down, and they'll take them that way,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    TV Carcases
    There's some info here also, Some Goodwill's and now some Best Buy's are starting to take the tv/monitors. If I understand correctly you just pull the wires and circuit board(if you want it) and pop the back onto the unit and screw it back down, and they'll take them that way,,
    Best buy won't take dismantled bare tubes, but they don't check inside or anything. They didn't care that the cords were missing on mine, so they should take them no problem like that!

    Just 3/Household/Day and under 36" (Depending on your area, mine will take more if I catch them in a good mood)

    Great place for a small scrapper, they get recycled responsibly, and it's free!


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