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Trash is like a Box of Chocolates...

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  1. #1
    BiggerHammer started this thread.
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    Cool Trash is like a Box of Chocolates...

    You never know what you are going to get!!!

    Just curious everyone! What has been your best trash find to date or the most unique??

    I would say my Riding Lawn Mower - But my HDTV 60" Projection TV is right behind it.

    Though they really haven't been the most profitable cause I kept them.

    Most lucrative - Preamplifier found in rusted shut suitcase. Sold for over $350 on Ebay
    If you like to Scrap the Crap & Cash the Trash - Then Check out our Videos on Youtube!

  2. #2
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    It is hard to pick just one.

    I would have to say movies, video games, computer software (a guy I know will buy most software at good prices), some good furniture pieces that I resold.
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  4. #3
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    One year in college I pulled about $1000 worth of current textbooks and a $1500 computer out of my apartment complex dumpster. One of the perks of bring the poor kid at a rich kid college. Sold all the books on ebay, still use the desktop as my backup computer if my laptop goes down.

  5. #4
    brandon's Avatar
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    Best picks or finds so far, lets see, been doing this for the last maybe 6 months,so for have found; 7 lolls of silver dimes with 2 $50 bills with them (in an old suitcase that i wound up selling for $10) that was a $1000 morning, nice bushnell telescope, vintage 70's lamp that i sold for $140 at the antique store, vintage 60's-70's chair that i took to the antique store today we'll see how much i get for it. The guys at work always ask me what did you find last night? I'll post more when i think of more or when i find something mentionable.

  6. #5
    BiggerHammer started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    there was once this bar room queen in memphis. Oh sorry that just poped into my head

  7. #6
    BiggerHammer started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by brandon View Post
    Best picks or finds so far, lets see, been doing this for the last maybe 6 months,so for have found; 7 lolls of silver dimes with 2 $50 bills with them (in an old suitcase that i wound up selling for $10) that was a $1000 morning, nice bushnell telescope, vintage 70's lamp that i sold for $140 at the antique store, vintage 60's-70's chair that i took to the antique store today we'll see how much i get for it. The guys at work always ask me what did you find last night? I'll post more when i think of more or when i find something mentionable.
    WOW!!! Only 6 months... I call that Beginners Freaken LUCK!!!! Awesome FIND!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  8. #7
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Best find was an abandoned house, the old guy passed away with no known family anyhow keeping an eye on the place, then one day it was visible that the vandals had kicked in the doors and the windows were all broken and the house had been like this for maybe a couple of months. It was not a route I often took.

    So me and the woman take a wander in, the place is a shambles, it's an old house with a pantry. Heather is checking out whats left of the china when she finds some cash stuck between some plates, I find an envelope with a couple hundred. Now were looking real hard for the big stash, when we left we had just under 3 thousand dollars.

    Summer arrives and Heathers nephew is over and a bud of mine, were sitting around chewing the fat and having some cold brews, when I get bored of drinking beer and want to do something I bring up the story of the cash find that HT and I came across.

    About 6 months have passed, but I want to go back, the Nephew and Roland are all game, Heather is going to stay because theres more beer in the fridge, off we go. The house had an old wood stove, the linoleum had been replaced many times, by just placing another new one over the old. In front of the wood stove the linoleum had worn through on each layer.

    Roy and me were finding some bills but far and few compared to the last time, then Roland picks up a sheet of lino, BINGO. Between each layer of flooring were more envelopes of cash $300.00 to 500 in each. Just over $12,000.00 split three ways and one hot little woman when she realized she missed the boat.

    That weekend was Roland's birthday, and he wanted to party, so we all bailed into his Land Cruiser loaded up with beer then headed up to Chilliwhack bought more beer then headed into the mountains for a weekend of 4 x 4-ing and just having a blast.

    Up Mt Cheam there's a small cabin the sled guys use in the winter, this is where we ended up drinking around a campfire at night a cruising the woods during the day then sometimes just wasting the day away.

    You need a score card to keep track of the woman, my first wife passed away - leukemia. The there was the 3 Heathers, then my wonderful red head Fran, then Kate, then Becky with her Harley Davidson FLH, then the medicine woman Christine a love child from the Navajo project during WWII, her father was stationed in Germany, I almost got caught in Dawson City by Cristian Cramp a beautiful Blackfoot woman, she worked on the Yukon fairy as a deck hand but also had her stationary engineers papers and was studying to upgrade into another class.

    Since 2002 it been me and Pat and our dog Cooper the Jack Russell.

    It makes it much easier to just say wife in any conversation.
    Last edited by gustavus; 12-13-2011 at 10:55 PM.

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  10. #8
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    My favorite thing so far is the 10 inch miter saw. Braught it home plugged it in and it worked. then used it to build my work bench and shelf in my shed.

  11. #9
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Becky used to let me have the Harley when ever, so I was out riding one weekend, come Monday a guy says to me I see you out riding Becky's bike, when I reply yea and you know what I'm still trying to figure out which one a get a better ride from.

    For those that prefer blonds, Becky and her turquoise FLH Harley
    Last edited by gustavus; 12-13-2011 at 11:12 PM.

  12. #10
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    Probably my favorite find was cragslist ad I responded to. Ad said junk car for scrap, come and get it, 100 bucks. It was located in a nearby town, so of course I responded. Turned out the guy selling it was the brother-in-law of a friend of mine. After we made the connection, he said 75 bucks and it yours. Told me it doesn't run due to them jumping it and there was no title. The car was an 89 Plymouth Sundance. Told him not a problem, I'll take it. Brought it home and couldn't resist trying to start it. Threw a battery in it and it fired right up. Ran like a champ. Backed it off the trailer and it drove surprising well considering it looked like crap. Figured since it ran and drove I might as well derby it. Ran it in a local chain and go derby. Won my heat and took 4th overall. Brought home 50 bucks from the derby and then scrapped the car at 165 a ton. Not too bad for a car that wasn't suppose to even run in the first place.

  13. #11
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    It makes it much easier to just say wife in any conversation.
    When you want to get her attention, do you just hollar "hey you" so you don't call out the wrong name by mistake??? lofl
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  14. #12
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    There was once this Bar Room Queen in Memphis. Oh sorry that just poped into my head
    That sounds like it could be a very interesting story...........
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  15. #13
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    An urn containing someone's ashes. Imagine someone doing that, chucking dad into the trash.

  16. #14
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    lol hes dead. I wouldnt care if when I died the wife just threw me in the lake for the fish to eat.

  17. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by smajor View Post
    An urn containing someone's ashes. Imagine someone doing that, chucking dad into the trash.
    OMG, really?

  18. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    lol hes dead. I wouldnt care if when I died the wife just threw me in the lake for the fish to eat.
    When I was in Florida I found out that burial at sea is still a legal option. Unfortunately, one person buried that way wasn't weighted down properly and his body washed up on the shore. At first, the police thought it was a homocide.......If your wife does decide to feed you to the fish, please ask her to take the necessary precautions so she doesn't get investigated for murder! LOL.

  19. #17
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapette View Post
    .....If your wife does decide to feed you to the fish, please ask her to take the necessary precautions so she doesn't get investigated for murder! LOL.
    Or by the D.O.W. because some guy caught a very long trout with a beard... :-}
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  21. #18
    Ticonderoga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smajor View Post
    An urn containing someone's ashes. Imagine someone doing that, chucking dad into the trash.
    that was prob someone who bought a storage unit and tossed it out instead of returning it. People really do some strange things with someone's ashes.

  22. #19
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    :confused: $15,000 cash from an abandoned house. And we get worried about the legalities of trash pickin?

    My best are purchases, not really finds.
    $400 for a pallet of toner cartridges - Ebayed for $11K.
    $200 for cisco equip. Ebayed for $10k

    Still paying taxes on those... should have saved some of that back for taxes.

  23. #20
    BiggerHammer started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by smajor View Post
    An urn containing someone's ashes. Imagine someone doing that, chucking dad into the trash.
    WOW!!! What did you end up doing with dad when you found him ?!?!

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