Does anybody know an average weight for this light fixture?
I'll be picking up approx 750 of them tomorrow and trying to plan.
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Does anybody know an average weight for this light fixture?
I'll be picking up approx 750 of them tomorrow and trying to plan.
People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.
I dont know but they dont look very heavy at all, but if you're going to pick up 750 of them i guess it doesn't really matter as much.
“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”
Abraham Lincoln
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Nice gig Mick. I first thought this was a joke when I read the title of the thread.
I see they have a live chat on that site you posted, maybe you could ask them how much each one weighs.
Good luck sounds like a good sized deal.
Last edited by injunjoe; 12-21-2011 at 08:12 AM. Reason: Typos
When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying
I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie
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the ballast is the heaviest part I had 50 simular lights last month after the breakdown I cleared a lil over 1k mind you I recieved them free. Needless to say I am looking at a total of 17 total from two different online auctions and I was wondering to myself were they worth the cost of fuel for me to bid and travel. if this helps you 5 balasts on a simular fixtures were 125lbs tin and copper included.
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Yes, they're all free. He doing a remodel of a large facility and told me he was wondering how he'd get rid of them.
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If you have the room you stand to make a nice return for your labor. The balast in those is what prove to me it was time for a grinder and 5lb hammer. Atfer the first 10 or 15 I found a rythm and process. In my opinion they or worth it. Its also a good opportunity to start a decent stock pile of copper for the beginning of the year price rise. Just my 2cents
I worked with similar lights at my last job, I'd guess they are 20-30 lbs each.
Do they work? Nearly $300 retail I would think you could sell them for much less and still make out ahead of scrap.
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with over 750 of them even with 1/3 he has options. Here is a link to the ones I made a lil over 1k on. Every thing besides the hardware ant the case the copper was in is aluminum. Unfortunately I had the same question that mick had which was weight for shipping hince everything went to the yard
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I hit the jackpot with this. Major electrical contractor. Talked to contractor yesterday and foreman this morning They've been having a hard time finding a scrap dealer and I'll be getting more business. Next pickup is same location next week. I'm still inventorying today's load and I need more help from an electrical contractor or someone who has dealt with these:
Part of the load was (28) metal halide ballasts - 400W 60Hz CWA M59 model# 1110-247SC-TC. These things weigh 21.6 pounds apiece. Is there anything I need to watch out for taking them apart?
I also got 40 complete lamps ( 31.5#), several loose boxes of copper winding ( 13.6 #), a box full of wiring and stuff I haven't figured out what they are ( domed and aluminum).
And they aren't done yet. I'm actually glad I didn't get 750 lamps all at once.
Wow, things are definitely looking up for you!
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getting Lucky up there ayuh
Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
God bless little children while they're still too young to hate
I would hit up the local hydroponics stores and see if they would be interested in buying them used to resell.
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This might actually benefit you (and others) I got this from him in an email a couple hours ago: Mick, What area do you cover? How far will you go? I want to share your name with other project managers if in the future they have scrap they need to discard to have them call you.
I let him know I can contact scrap dealers even if the job is too far for me. He has had several projects (schools, etc) in the Portland area. If I get any calls, I'll let you know; either to get on your own or we'll work as a team.
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congats that everything went through this should be lucretive for you let me know what you do with the glass part. Its to thin for someone to repurpose I had to use the trusty hammer and dumpster method.
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Thanks to this thread from Mick, I recognized some of these lights when they came up on a Public Surplus Auction that ended today. At $108 out the door for 28 units there seems to be plenty of meat left after breakdown...And there only 2 miles from my house going in the same direction as the shop.
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
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