Yall, i know it's cold out and $$$ is tight for everyone. And after a long hard day, it's easy to come here, get angry at a new guy, and start saying mean things to each other.
I know i'm a rowdy guy, and i get into it with people on here. But sometimes people get outta control. Joe, i love yer posts. Yer a VERY smart guy, and when yer being yer normal self, i learn alot from you. But yer posts of late have honestly been very disrespectful. Havent really put a positive vibe on our family here. I aint here to come down on ya, i'm just saying, i miss the old joe, that was a smartass without being a dumbass
NEW GUY: Sars, you seem like a nice person. Although you did come off as rude, and not really willing to learn. I understand that the scrap business is very intimidating sometimes, and very confusing with 400 different types of metal it seems. I'm not saying that all of us just started off knowing everything about everything. We all had to ask the same dang questions that you are! So dont feel bad buddy. You didnt really do a "bad" thing. Just work on yer "persona" here a bit, get to know the members by posting in other topics, sharing knowledge, soaking it all in. Have a laugh with other members, become part of the family! Regardless of who decides that today they're goin to be a prick (which is usually me!), just try to blow it off and be smart about stuff. I know you said you didnt come here to use the search feature. I don't blame you, you figured "hell, this is the
SCRAP METAL forum, right?! They should know! I'm tired of searching!" You came here, excited, asked a simple question and got dumped on. But when you look through the old topics here, i'm almost sure you'll be flabbergasted (my big word of the day!) by the amount of information you pick up.
I didnt mean to call anyone out individually. Just sayin', i've noticed a different vibe with yall lately, and i'm guilty too. I think we ALL need to stop this STUPID argueing with each other over e books or spam or what have ya. Stop tryin' to grow yall's internet pecker, drink a brewskie or 12, and laugh.
I dont know if i did anything here, i doubt it, but i hope i atleast opened people up to bein a bit nicer to each other. I mean **** were all in this together, why fight amongst ourselves?