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My son and I went over there last night and each got on the same corner of this thing to see if we could move it maybe an inch or so. We couldn't even budge the sucker! The lady will not let us cut it up on site. Went and talked to a friend today that has a huge A frame with a 6 ton chain fall. It's plenty high enough to lift it up so I can back the trailer under it. Now he don't know it yet, but it's only 1/2 mile from his place. He has the means to transport the A frame. I'll just throw him a few dollars for helping out.
Sure!! You name it. That is as long as it's one of those virtual internet prizes. lol
I figured that might be the case. Definitely towards 2,500 lbs, I am sure. Be interesting to see!
Should have asked the lady "do you want it removed or not" when she told you, no cutting it up on job site.
Granted, I wouldn't be rude like that myself, but still. People should be grateful to have it gone!