I picked up a few cpu's a monitor a fax machine and a bunch of just random wire. What can I expect when I take them apart and how much could I make off of just one?
I picked up a few cpu's a monitor a fax machine and a bunch of just random wire. What can I expect when I take them apart and how much could I make off of just one?
Ok I hate it when people "bash" me so I'll say it nicely. Search! Many of these things have been discussed, including some of my threads, see that little text box? It's a search bar. Use it.
Sorry, thanks for your help.
Ok now that you have learned to reseaRch I will tell you. Wait are these CPUs you speak of the whole computer or just the little chip inside called the CPU
Cuz it makes a difference
the whole tower, I guess the whole computer?
I have been taking them apart and separating the copper and alum
And putting the boards to the side
The computers?!?
Oh forget my last comment
You need to separate the CPU the ram the pci cards the hard drives the DVD drives the wire and cut off the ends and save them and the motherboard and the psu stripped apart. And copper and aluminum
A computer is worth 12 to 16 dollars in scrap value
these things that rewrapped in like hundreds of thin metal pieces with plastic and in the middle is the copper
just got this F-ing thing opened!!!
Can you post a picture?
jack pot, this is finally about to pay off, I hope. I stay at home with my 2 kids and try to do this when they are sleeping.
how do post a picture? I can text or email it to you.
Umm if you can try copy and paste.
Or email me at users8989@gmail.com
Just so ya know for all those privacy freaks that is a spambox, not my personal email
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