Theres ammonia gas in the camper fridges, the sort that run on Gas/ 12 V DC/110 V AC or 240V AC.
Theres no motors in these anyway, unless they are punchered they probably work as theres no moving parts inside them.
They look like this from the back side, sorta like metal tube intestines.
The ammonia gas will nearly clear a city block if it leaks out, on the other hand, they are worth money to the right people.
I haven't done this yet, but I think if I made a small fire under the part that gets heated, let it heat up, & then cool down, I'd have a fridge that'd stay cold all day.
Great if you want a fridge when you want to stay in the bush for a while.
Holding screwdrivers, often I will be undoing screws with a screwdriver, then without thinking I grab the wires in the same right hand & pull...
If the wires come loose, I end up with a screwdriver coming directly towards my right eyeball.
So I now slip it into my left hand & grab with the right hand.