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  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Car starters - are they different from regular steel scrap?

    Reason I ask is my yard has a sign up that they now buy starters and alternators at such and such a lb. Why would they be bought differently from regular steel/motors? Can they not be broken down or do you think they buy them and then resell them whole or do they contains something dangerous? Not that I come across starters but if I did I'd normally probably figure they were a motor of sorts and toss them in with my steel or my motors. Just curious if anyone knows or has any ideas

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    They sell them to core buyers so they can be rebuilt.

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  4. #3
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    They have a lot more copper % going by weight than regular motors. As an added bonus they often also have some aluminum. Old style generators (what cars used before alternators) have the most copper, then alternators, then starters, then electric motors. Right now for me alternators are at $0.60, starters are $0.54, and motors are $0.33. Don't really see enough generators anymore to worry about getting a price on them all the time, I just get a price when I've got enough saved up to make a decent batch of them.

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