Have been cleaning as time allows. Everything that can be sold has been sold over the years. Rest of it too illiquid and I'm forced to be a temporary scrapper. I have several trailers to fill of various goodies and only recently have started to learn the terminology a bit/elementary identification.
Never been to the center before and no clue how it works. Do you need to pre-weigh,inventory,classify your goods or will simple cans with cans, batteries with batteries, stacks of rack do?
Read about 15% grade insulated copper wiring off of this,that,people razor blading the pvc off it. The businesses aren't that anal are they? This is just a shine to increased grade right? Or would they reject a metal door until I busted the glass out. Just wondering what the general practice is on such things as lots of consumer products like old tv's have so much dead in them. You bring enough they still pay eh?
Thats my noob concerns. This isn't a passion for me. Don't have the time to process the product to such extents like shaving pvc off or tearing plastic casings,removing non metal parts,etc for them for the biggest buck. Just trying to get the stuff gone for a decent return without risking loading it all up and getting a bunch of nopes.
Have some easier work in some rusty racking (sturdi). I know the place will be thrilled on that but having a hard time figuring out exact grade of it and on this it is worth figuring out to me unlike fridges,water heaters, cookware,decorative brass pots,etc..
Help with the cherry appreciated. Place I'm going is reputable but I'd at least like to not have a target on me the moment I go in for not having it weighed or showing up with a tire that still has rubber when everybody knows better except noobs. Are you a noob? Noob prices are ....