Originally Posted by
Rebar17, this has been brought up by you and others before. I hear you. I like to know whom I am dealing with and a little of their back ground and location. Believe it or not it helps in determing what advice to give or how to give it.
The part where I strongly reccomend that new members read the old threads is two fold: first their questions will most likely be answered in an old thread and have additional information, secondly they will get to know the members by reading the old threads and most definately add to their knowlege about other aspects of scraping.
I have read most or all of the threads you have contributed here they tend not to lean toward techiques of scraping so why are you here? Mike.
Well, Mike, I come here for information and for discussion. Is that a problem? Part of what I was getting at in my post that was deleted is that things are somewhat limited when they can only be as the "elite" see them, it's stifling at best. I like the forum and would rather see it grow than to be a clubhouse for a few and I have no problem saying that because that's what I think. You may agree or not with me as much as I might not agree with you. I am not a BS artist, so I'm not going to be discussing scraping techniques that I am here learning. I actually am doing what you advise and reading, digesting and searching for the answers I'm looking for. I do have a bit of experience with web forums though and I do know that you can't control the behavior of newbs no matter how many you yell at. Even with an intro thread, they are still gonna ask the same old questions that the veteran members are sick of hearing, it's inescapable.
If the intro thing is such a big deal, why hasn't the site forced newbs into a user group that has to make their first post in the intro section? It's a simple matter for whoever geeks the site. That would solve the intro thing but would not make anyone search before asking, just won't happen.
I think it's better to just not answer an unsearched question than to have a bunch of members jump an the poster about doing a search, you wouldn't act like that in person, why be like that here? Where's the benefit and what does it solve?