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  1. #1
    myekem started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Lightbulb Missing Posts..

    Why is it that my post got deleted? All I said in my post was that the people here tend to be ignorant to people asking a question without introducing themselves.. It shouldn't have been deleted.. I have noticed it a lot. If you want them to keep coming back that isn't the way to answer their first post. Guide them to their answer and tell them to please go introduce themselves and they will be back. Even if you are joking around they might not take it as a joke! If it was me and I was responded to like that I would think this forum sucks because everyone on it is ignorant. Also I wouldn't post anymore. This forum is a great start for anyone new trying to learn how to scrap and for the ones trying to learn a few tricks to make life easier so try to keep the people using it!

    Don't delete this one so maybe people will lighten up after reading it!

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