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  1. #1
    myekem started this thread.
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    Lightbulb Missing Posts..

    Why is it that my post got deleted? All I said in my post was that the people here tend to be ignorant to people asking a question without introducing themselves.. It shouldn't have been deleted.. I have noticed it a lot. If you want them to keep coming back that isn't the way to answer their first post. Guide them to their answer and tell them to please go introduce themselves and they will be back. Even if you are joking around they might not take it as a joke! If it was me and I was responded to like that I would think this forum sucks because everyone on it is ignorant. Also I wouldn't post anymore. This forum is a great start for anyone new trying to learn how to scrap and for the ones trying to learn a few tricks to make life easier so try to keep the people using it!

    Don't delete this one so maybe people will lighten up after reading it!

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by myekem View Post
    Why is it that my post got deleted? All I said in my post was that the people here tend to be ignorant to people asking a question without introducing themselves.. It shouldn't have been deleted.. I have noticed it a lot. If you want them to keep coming back that isn't the way to answer their first post. Guide them to their answer and tell them to please go introduce themselves and they will be back. Even if you are joking around they might not take it as a joke! If it was me and I was responded to like that I would think this forum sucks because everyone on it is ignorant. Also I wouldn't post anymore. This forum is a great start for anyone new trying to learn how to scrap and for the ones trying to learn a few tricks to make life easier so try to keep the people using it!
    Don't delete this one so maybe people will lighten up after reading it!
    I didn't think I was ignorant,,, Thank you,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  4. #3
    myekem started this thread.
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    Lol.. I never read seen that rule thanks though. And I never said you were ignorant mick, nor was I pin pointing you.. just the posts to the new members can be taken both ways. And for a first time user it would be nice for them to not take it the wrong way and leave. And the way it is posted some of the times goes against rule 1:

    "1 - Don't insult, bash or make rude unnecessary posts towards other members for any reason."

    Sorry if I sounded like an idiot but I have noticed new people getting their first post answered like that then nothing else from them. A helpful post pointing them to either the search or introduce themselves would be better. But hey.. do whatever you like it doesn't matter to me I just figured I would mention the problem I seen. As a scrapyard owner.. If I talk to someone like that 90% of the time they go elsewhere next time and then spread the word about poor service to everyone else and I figured it would apply here too.

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  6. #4
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    I think you meant Mechanic688. This is my first post in this thread.

    I do send people PMs asking them to make an introduction (in this Off Topic) section. Sometimes 3-4 times a day. I was also moving threads to the Introduction section if there was some introductory information. The last few days, I started simply deleting threads more and more. I understand that when people sign up, they see the forum rules at that times, including those above. One day, I counted five that I'd deleted. I can't MAKE people do an introduction, simply encourage it. It's really the same thing as if somebody walked up to a group on the street and started talking/asking questions without introducing themselves.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  8. #5
    myekem started this thread.
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    Yes Sorry I did mean mechanic688. I am not trying to argue about anything.. You mod the forum you delete as you wish. Just hopefully Some will lighten up towards them newbies and give them some help instead of turning them away without meaning to.

    You can delete this thread if you wish.. just had to have my question answered.

  9. #6
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    Kris Kringle shuts em down again........

  10. #7
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    Myeke, for what its worth I agree with you. The overall attitude towards new folks is pretty arrogant on this forum, and I find it pretty off putting. The idea that many people hide behind the 'this is a tough industry so I can act like an assh*le if I want' is a pathetic, thinly veiled excuse to just act like a jerk. The truth is it takes just as much energy to be nice to someone as it does to come up with a creative way to tell him off.

    At some point it became acceptable to be openly rude to someone when they posted something you didn't like, or broke a rule that they may not have even known they were breaking... and this mentalily has spread. It discourages others from posting and contributing to the forum and I'm convinced there has to be many others like me that don't need this forum but rather used to come here reading and sharing for enjoyment but don't frequent it as often because the bitter negativity and vitriol that is spewed is so overpowering. But yeah, I need thicker skin, blah blah blah.

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  12. #8
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    Right. I think this coming week I am going to try something new. Rather than call on people and network, I shall arrive at a business and basically demand their scrap without introducing myself. And while they're at it they can load my truck for me.

    That's tantamount to what the noobs do barging in here and asking (sometimes demanding) answers on how to do such and such.

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  14. #9
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    When i 1st registered I read through the things that popped up, actually i don't remember if they popped up or not but either way i remember that the rule about introducing yourself as your 1st post was easily seen and it shows if people were paying attention or not while registering. In my second post i think that it was 12oclock that actually mentioned they were glad that i had introduced myself before posting. I think that its a good rule - it shows which people care enough to pay attention. If new people are scared off by members calling them out on it i think that it's their loss and hopefully it may teach them to pay attention to forum rules in the future. Just my opinion as a newbie
    Last edited by Julie; 03-10-2012 at 06:23 PM. Reason: spelling/grammar errors

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  16. #10
    parrothead's Avatar
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    We try to keep the peace here. Sometimes we do good, other times, .....meh. We do the best we can. We have a great group of people here and we try and follow what we deem to be the concensus. We normally hit the mark, but we aren't always perfect. There are pretty much 2 moderators here. Mick and myself. Mick beats me to the punch pretty much 90% of the time when there is a problem. I have never disagreed with anything he has ever done.

    I think we have a pretty good thing going here. Do we have some problems? yes. Are they getting better? YES! Several months ago the piling on was worse. I think we are working toward a happy medium.

    I do appreciate the post and welcome it for it's merit as we need to always question what we are doing and making sure that we are both catering to the regular forum members as well as trying to help out the newbies.

    It is an ever evolving state. One that requires constant attention. So......if you see a specific injustice being done, please hit the "report post" button and we will deal with accordingly depending on the current mood and matriculation of the forum.

  17. #11
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    Did I really justy use the word matriculation?

    We will see how I feel about that in the morning after I wake up.

    And thanks to all who have contributed to this thread. It is a good thread without anyone getting angry.

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  19. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    I say cry me a River.

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  21. #13
    skippy's Avatar
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    Mr. dew good is implying that some people werent raised with manners but is not applying it to himself, if someone isnt polite is it ok to be rude back.
    Idaho scrapper i have no words for you just refer to your picture above is that really needed to someone who is suggesting to be a little less rude.

    Ps. Usually people who look down on others need to do this to feel better about themselves or simply not think about their faults and we alll have them.
    we are in an industry where people do look down on us so then we come here to do it to other people to make ourselves feel above someone.

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  23. #14
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    Surely a lot of people find SMF not by a search for Scrap Metal Forum, but from doing a web search on a particular subject, much as myself, using a few keywords ( amazing what a few keywords can do ), and clicking into a thread on the site, never having seen the main page, or had thoughts of staying longer than it took to locate the answers they were looking for. My search, for example, didn't even seem to be related to scrap metal, I basically knew what to do with it, but in the few weeks since coming here, "basically" has certainly taken on a whole new meaning.
    My search was for a computer board buyer, and the thread my search had brought me to read like an infomercial on steroids (keyword.keyword.keyword). Since becoming better acquainted with some of the people here, I don't think he intentionally made it so, but have wondered if it couldn't have been encouraged, by the someone who stood to greatly benefit from such a post, and it's resulting thread. I wasn't interested in joining a forum at the time, but in finding a buyer of computer boards, and in a google search for this, the same buyer has two near identical threads on two separate forums, which consistently show at the top of web searches for the keywords relating to it. I couldn't, however, get a response from emails to this "company", and signed up merely to post a question as to why?
    I didn't come through the front page, I didn't read all the details, I merely sought to ask a question on the subject of this thread. I was encouraged to see the list of buyers registered with SMF, although I had no idea what they meant by that, or where this list might be found. I was also asked to post an introduction, but i had already unknowingly passed that link too, and had no idea where it was either. Too many times, sad to say, the best place to hide something is right in front of me. I began to find my way around, and there is a lot to find here, which I certainly do appreciate, but it isn't easy to catch it all at first glance, there is a LOT to find here, and it takes some time, even if one is experienced to some degree with websites and learning your way around. I still had to ask some questions, and kind of pity some people I've seen, who asked a question that maybe didn't make a lot of sense to everyone, and seen them being ridiculed for it, when possibly a better approach could have been a simple "it's right over there".
    I try taking this approach when someone is looking for a buyer to tell them where it is located, "main page, second category", or to introduce themselves " main page near the bottom", because I know it's easily bypassed or overlooked, and it isn't always obvious to the untrained eye, but yet, is just as easy to say/type, and is much more helpful than some of the answers they will receive at times.
    You could kind of relate it to a person who has never been in a walmart before (as if that's possible ; ), although they've been by the place a hundred times, but now they need a qt of oil, and ask the greeter where it might be found. The greeter says in their grumpiest voice, "automotive" mumbling incoherently as he walks away, or just says "look! look, look, look", leaving the guy to wander aimlessly through the groceries, pet supplies, clothing department, pharmacy, garden center, toys, kitchen utensils, electronics, where he might get a glimpse if he looks the right direction, between a sign saying restroom, and another saying "new low price", of one saying "automotive". How much harder would it really have been for the greeter to merely pointed to the far corner and said, it's right back there in the corner
    Last edited by Bear; 03-11-2012 at 03:57 AM.

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  25. #15
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Skippy, just....sigh.

  26. #16
    skippy's Avatar
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    wait i introduced myself 16 time first like you suggest do the research then speak or you just sound um i think you know

    ps im not someone else but wht do i care if you think so

  27. #17
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    Hi Dew Skippy had nothing to do with my post, as your copy/paste clearly shows, it took awhile to write , and apparently, while i was busy writing, skippy came in and posted during my absence lol

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  29. #18
    myekem started this thread.
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    Well at least I got everyone thinking.. Thanks for reading and responding. Its good to see I am not the only one who sees it. The reason I have started the thread is because I have had 2 posts deleted that were not bashing or rude in any way.. I just tried to help them with their answer to their question then simply told them they should go introduce themselves or a lot of people will not help them out and maybe make rude or misleading comments that may scare them off. Both times the posts were deleted. And why they got deleted was beyond me.. They didn't break any rules.. nor were they rude.. didn't bash any forum user, And they helped the person out.. Pointed them in the right direction. Just like the walmart greater bear mention (which was a great comparison I think)

  30. #19
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    Most people are very helpful and friendly here myekem, i think it's only mostly on rare occasions that rudeness starts, sometimes i can see it as almost deserved myself, but i try to stay out of that, it's on the times i just can't really see it being necessary or deserved that kinda makes me wonder

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  32. #20
    myekem started this thread.
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    I say everyone goes back to talking about scrap. No one is going to say why they deleted my post anyway.

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