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Catalytic Converter

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  1. #1
    TexasDeere started this thread.
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    Catalytic Converter

    I did a cleanout for a guy a few months ago. Part of the junk he had me hauling off were these things. He drove a Dodge Diesel 1 ton truck and said he had to replace the exhaust system on it. It is a post 2007 model truck and he said one of these are the catalytic converter. First question, can someone identify which one of these three pieces is the catalytic converter? Second, I have read several post on this board and I was wondering if there is any value to these beyond the shreddable scrap iron value? I have never tried to sell a catalytic converter but understand some are worth alot of money.

  2. #2
    TexasDeere started this thread.
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    Kris Kringle...Thanks for the info. Are pre-cats worth taking in seperately or should I just throw them in my next tariler load of shreddable? When taking the actual catalytic converter in, other than cutting it away from the other pieces, is there anything I should do to prepare it?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. #3
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    Top left is the converter, it's currently worth around $450-650 depending on part numbers on it. look for a 4-digit number and then 3 letters, like AAP, AAB, etc. Top right is the DPF, or diesel particulate filter. Again, depending on part number, it's worth from $50-$250. The part numbers on these pieces are stamped in in a dot-matrix style, can be a real pain in the butt to find. The part numbers are usually located down about 2-3" from the top on either side. The "top" being designated by where those little nibs are sticking up that have threaded bolt holes in them (they are for the diesel injection line brackets to bolt in to). So have the system sitting so those little bolt-hole towers are up top (in your current picture you can just see them sticking out on the bottom) and a few inches down from there, somewhere, will be those part numbers. The bottom piece is the foil/wire pre-converter, it's currently worth around $100. Don't throw any of that into your shred pile. Ever. That system there is currently the most valuable scrap converter being bought. Especially if it's 2008-2009, those are the most valuable.

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  5. #4
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    Sorry, was reading through the rest of the threads with new posts, didn't know you were waiting for me to reply. Don't beat me, I'll do better next time!

    down at the bottom of the LH column.

    PS. it was described as "post 2007", not as 2007.
    Last edited by zito; 03-12-2012 at 10:53 PM.

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  7. #5
    TexasDeere started this thread.
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    Wow. Great information everyone. I will look for more specific information (parts numbers, etc.) and get some better pictures. Funny thing is I a drive an '08 Ford F-250 Diesel and had to replace the entire exhaust system about a year ago. It completely clogged at 103,000 miles. Since I had multiple problems with it (exhaust system) from about 20K miles on and had a long service history with it, Ford chipped in and it only cost me $1600 out of pocket. They were originally quoting around over $6K. This guy told me he had about the same problem and had a friend who worked at the dealershiphelp him do it themselves after hours/weekend.

    How do you go about taking these things in without the yard trying to rip you off? I go to multiple yards throughout Houston. My work has me driving all over town so no where is out of the question if anyone has a referal to a good scrap dealer who handles these things.

    Thanks again for everyone's help. I have had these stored for a couple months just because I didn't know how to proceed with them.

    If anyone has anymore info, please pass along.

  8. #6
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    You'll probably have better luck finding a buyer who deals specifically in catalytic converters. That's who most scrapyards/wrecking yards sell their own to. At least where I am, the converter buyers are often also the same guys who buy batteries, radiators, alum rims etc.

    I know you can find YouTube videos of the Fords throwing flames out the exhaust pipe. They apparently had a lot of problems with their diesel injection purge system in the cats when they introduced it.

  9. #7
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    Let me know when you've got those 1000 converters collected for me MDG, it'll be a nice payday!

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  11. #8
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    Technically it is against the law to replace your cat with an OEM without needing too...but don't worry fellas I won't be running to tattle on y'all to the EPA.

  12. #9
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    I know the yard I am at pays 175 for a 2002 honda accord converter and that is the most expensive one they buy. Apparently there are over 70 different styles and prices from 50 to 175. I almost fell off my lunchbox when they said 175. I have crushed 1000s of cars back in the day and we never cut them off. I felt like the biggest dumba$$ ever. I could have had container after container full of them to.

  13. #10
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    I am paying 10 grand for them but charging a shipping and handling fee of 9,999.00 feel free to pm me if you are interested. I pay the most and will send you the money via paypay. There is a 1.00 dollar convenience fee though for using payypal. I hope to hear from all you sellers very soon. Dont miss out on this redhot deal.

  14. #11
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    hey pistone.. I have 200, and would like to take you up on your offer =P

  15. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    I am paying 10 grand for them but charging a shipping and handling fee of 9,999.00 feel free to pm me if you are interested. I pay the most and will send you the money via paypay. There is a 1.00 dollar convenience fee though for using payypal. I hope to hear from all you sellers very soon. Dont miss out on this redhot deal.
    Shipping and handling fees are for when YOU ship something to ME. Your deal sounds kind of shady to me.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  16. #13
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    I hope you realize I am joking I wish there was a sarcasm button on here.

  17. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    I hope you realize I am joking I wish there was a sarcasm button on here.
    Yes. And I figured you'd get the same from my response.

  18. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Please Don't forget the Disclaimers.

    I could tell you I am paying $7000 a Converter. and use this Disclaimer to Devaule that $7000 to $300.

    Prices/Grades subject to change based on
    market and {assay}
    That is the current price on those converters, MDG. I'm in Alberta, Canada, and my price for the 3 grades of the Dodge diesel converter are $440, $490, and $650. That's just the converter, not including the DPF and foil pre. I know it's the same in Vancouver (give or take a few bucks), and I'm guessing in any major city/competitive market in the U.S. or Canada. Those prices have been up there for almost the past year, not just the last few weeks or something. I believe CoryCouch actually sent that buyer some cats, so maybe once he's heard back from them he can let us know if the prices he was paid matched up to what they listed on their pricelist. They're not going to pay on an assay when you bring in a few cats, they're going to use their pricelist. And of course it's going to change according to the market (in platinum group metals).

  19. #16
    pappawheelie's Avatar
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    Would a system like this have any demand or higher value as "used parts" or as "scrap"? I know a lot of guys modifying their trucks with aftermarket exhausts. But haven't heard of anyone putting a stock exhaust back on. Found this tread doing a search. I found a used system I could pick up but have been unable to find any "part numbers" on it.

  20. #17
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    i would like it if you didnt post in 3 year old threads lol

  21. #18
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    sorry to bring a "dead" thread back to life but can anyone tell me if the catalytic converters from buses are worth anything
    or which kind of buses have the most valuable cat converters?

  22. #19
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Generally I think Diesels have the highest value cats.
    And the bigger the engine the more value, as well as anything European...

    But it pays to check the numbers anyway. If its a good cat that can be resold, better $.

    Also, I think you need to 'rechip' the engine if you remove the cat.
    From what I can figure, the engine will use extra fuel at certain times to 'burn out' the oxides from the cat, in some clever way.
    And then oxygen levels or something get all screwed up if there's no cat, or oxygen sensors where the cats were.

    My cars a 1996 model. The last of the 'old schools', for a reason.

  23. #20
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    Someone please delete the last post. We don’t need a fake passport maker.

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