I took in a load of shred and on the way home I stopped at an estate sale. I literally bought $1 for $.50, a Pen7500 fishing reel in perfect condition for $20, and these mugs I took a shot on at $1 each. Figured worst case was they were stainless, mediocre they were copper, and best bet silver. I know most things are marked silver and these do not have that marking. I do not have nitric acid to test but I will be ordering some. The reason I got them was they seemed old and there was other memorbilia that looked like someone had brought it home from world war 2, figured maybe they just didn't stamp these since they were from Japan...Boy I sure hope so. I'm kind of scared to take a grinder to them because I can't find anything on ebay to get a value of them. Anyone seen these before or want to take a guess?
