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scrapping a trailer.. what would you do

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  1. #1
    89yota started this thread.
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    scrapping a trailer.. what would you do

    my friend has about a 20 ft tandem axle construction trailer which he thinks is about 3000 lbs in his back yard.. he is going to scrap it.. he has been trying to sell it for a while with no luck.. has no brakes which is not legal where we are and has no paperwork at all to register it.. so he is going to scrap it..

    i called my local yard and they will dock him 20 bucks a tire so 80 total if we tow the trailer there and unhook and leave it. so i say we will pull 2 tires off and tow it there. so you only get docked 40 bucks. i think this will be the best bet

    he wants to pull the tires off and cut the trailer into pieces and scrap it that way.. problem with this is we have no way to cut it up.. its solid steel i beam frame.. so he will end up paying more than 80 bucks to either rent something or find someone with a torch or a plasma cutter or something to cut it up.. so your paying for help plus wasting his own time..

    what option would you guys go with??

    also as a note the yard will not let us tow it there and then remove the wheels off the trailer and just drop it on the ground.. liability issue i guess.. that would be the best option..

  2. #2
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    You may find that your trailer has Dexter axles, just because the axles shipped without a braking package does not mean that they could not be added later. you may find the tabs already welded to the ends of the axles to accept brakes.

    Your choices would be electric or hydraulic depending on your choice of backing plate and still use the same brake drum for both brake types.

    Have a look for the square tab which will have four holes drilled into it, this is where the backing plate attaches. If you have no need for a tandem axle trailer offer it to a forum member who lives close to you. You'll get much better than scrap price with no deduction for tires.

    Trailer can be registered as home built, just by making a few modifications.

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by 89yota View Post

    also as a note the yard will not let us tow it there and then remove the wheels off the trailer and just drop it on the ground.. liability issue i guess.. that would be the best option..
    Find another yard. That's bs.

    I've hauled a few cars in that still had tires. I remove all but one lugnut on each wheel, then haul it in and remove the last nut. Once the loader picks it up I pull the wheels.

  5. #4
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    So the trailer is Illegal and unregistered but you are planning on towing to the yard?? Hope you dont get pulled over or cause an accident with it!

    If you cut it up sell the axes. They are worth more than scrap weight for sure.

    20 bucks a tire is outright highway robbery. Everywhere I have seen charges 5 bucks a tire unless it is a huge truck/tractor tire then its 10-15 each.

  6. #5
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    I've hauled cars into the yard before. They waited patiently while I loosened the lugs, then they picked the car/truck right up and let the tires fall off. If one was stuck they shook it until it fell off, or dragged it sideways to break it loose etc. Then throw them back on the trailer and re-weigh. Get paid. done.

  7. #6
    89yota started this thread.
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    i will have him open an account here and maybe post it in the classified section if not ill have to check with other yard and see how they will take it..

    if he tows it with his truck it will be covered by the trucks insurance.. and if you put another trailer plate on there from a different homemade trailer you wont get pulled over.. and if you do whose to say thats not the right plate? only thing he could really get nabbed for is the brakes.. if your not driving like an ass you should not get pulled over with an empty trailer..

  8. #7
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Man, if I had that trailer I'd be finding a way to get it legal and use it to scrap cars!
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    John Terrell (248) 224-2188
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  9. #8
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    Look up maine out of state registration
    Perfectly legal, no title needed
    Sounds like a good scrap hauler, not good scrap

  10. #9
    89yota started this thread.
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    hes got someone coming today to buy it i guess.. thanks for the input guys..

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