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dumpster diver's disease - Page 2

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  1. #21
    carolinaecycle's Avatar
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    Id be more worried about bugs and spiders. I am in NC. On a normal day running my normal route about 6 years ago, got bit by a tick or a spider
    . Ended up sick as hell for 2 weeks before I went to the hospital. They couldn't pin point what it was but treated me as if I had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

  2. #22
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Oh man oh man carolinarecycle you're not kidding. Those flat screens I dumpster dived for last week were FULL of maggots.

    I just reclaimed the one my brother took because of this very reason.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

  3. #23
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Haha what?! Maggots!? Makes you wonder what they were eating inside of them!

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  5. #24
    bluemeate started this thread.
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    so ive read that bedbugs only really like to move around at night
    well today i started hacking at a really old dingy sofa couch that im pretty sure had to be filled with them.
    with a bunch of the cloth still attached i loaded it into my truck -then unloaded it elsewhere
    but do you think that disruption dropped a bunch of bedbugs into my truck where they sit waiting for the next clothy item to crawl into? I do like to keep nice things and bring them into my home (if i know who they came from)
    is it possible/easy for them to jump onto my clothing after i have disturbed their hiding spot?
    collecting san joses scrap

  6. #25
    tsmith53149's Avatar
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    dumpster diver's disease

    Id think you should be fine if your caught up with all your shots/immunizations.

  7. #26
    oldtruck's Avatar
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    dumpster jump pretty regular .....make sure you have permission ,an angry maintenance guy ,construction guy or cop might be hazardous to your health more then the dumpster

    i genrally don't jump inside them and try my best to pass on the knarly stuff ,....but have developed a stronger stomach over the years ,.....i keep a can of lysol in the truck for biohazard looking stuff ....death cleanout stuff yelds good scrap and resale stuff but warrents investigatin on death causes .....if i see like a ton of meds ,bad housekeeping or the residence looks scary ,then i'm weary and pass on stuff ......usually you can tell if it's a death cleanout ,and often the redflags will be in what you see in a quick look ,.....if i do the cleanouts ,i alway ask how they died too far 3-4 years of it and no illnesses..........(knock on wood)

    i'm like super watchfull of sharp things ,....that seems like the biggest issue i've had with it ,....peaple toss broken glass ,knives ,cut metal and wood with nails .......i don't stick my hands anywhere i can't see what there touching first ,....i keep first aid kit in the truck too ,........i use gloves sometimes ,but mostly have learned to be carefull ,watchfull and take my time ,.....and i still bleed everynow and then

    as for bugs ,yup learned the hard way ,.....nothing goes inside the house anymore unless i know who it came from and know they don't have bugs ,.....if i have to take it and bugs might live in it ,....then it goes straight to the burn pit .......i don't touch beds ,couches ,clothes or anything that might be questionable ,....unless i'm getting payed to haul it away ,and even then i'm weary

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  9. #27
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    Dumpster diving is a good way to get cut or poked with dirty and rusty materials. Furniture left out for trash pickup is a good way to get mold, flees, ticks, roaches, or bedbugs into your house. Quite a bit of disease is passed on my animal bites and insect bites along with deep cuts that were not cleaned. It is hard to smell chemicals that have dried out or are in powder form that you might get into contact with, never know when somebody is junking a meth lab makers furniture. Old timers like keeping crazy nasty cancer causing solvents around in their basement for some reason.

    Not sure how long bacterial infections survive outside the body (TB or what have you) where you could get infected from coming in contact with material weeks after the person died (takes time to get sick, die, probate, next of kin tossing the junk).

    Face it if pack rats didn't eventually die then you would have a hard time getting paid.

    One of the grossest things I have to deal with is somebody elses computer keyboard , they all get washed before I use them (vintage collectable ones).

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