dumpster jump pretty regular .....make sure you have permission ,an angry maintenance guy ,construction guy or cop might be hazardous to your health more then the dumpster
i genrally don't jump inside them and try my best to pass on the knarly stuff ,....but have developed a stronger stomach over the years ,.....i keep a can of lysol in the truck for biohazard looking stuff ....death cleanout stuff yelds good scrap and resale stuff but warrents investigatin on death causes .....if i see like a ton of meds ,bad housekeeping or the residence looks scary ,then i'm weary and pass on stuff ......usually you can tell if it's a death cleanout ,and often the redflags will be in what you see in a quick look ,.....if i do the cleanouts ,i alway ask how they died too .......so far 3-4 years of it and no illnesses..........(knock on wood)
i'm like super watchfull of sharp things ,....that seems like the biggest issue i've had with it ,....peaple toss broken glass ,knives ,cut metal and wood with nails .......i don't stick my hands anywhere i can't see what there touching first ,....i keep first aid kit in the truck too ,........i use gloves sometimes ,but mostly have learned to be carefull ,watchfull and take my time ,.....and i still bleed everynow and then
as for bugs ,yup learned the hard way ,.....nothing goes inside the house anymore unless i know who it came from and know they don't have bugs ,.....if i have to take it and bugs might live in it ,....then it goes straight to the burn pit .......i don't touch beds ,couches ,clothes or anything that might be questionable ,....unless i'm getting payed to haul it away ,and even then i'm weary