Originally Posted by
hobo finds
good list of hazards here... [url=good list of hazards here... Hazardous Substances in
e-Waste | ewasteguide.info[/url]
Thanks. It gives some good examples with each chemical as well.
It just makes me curious if everyone who is a scrapper makes a concession to have a low level exposure of these substances, or if their is a method that
someone uses to try to prevent as much exposure as possible.
The obvious that comes to mind is:
Pre Break Down of Material:
--Glasses/Face shield
--Full body Coveralls
--Gloves (external work gloves with internal disposable gloves)
Then post material breakdown:
--Soak/Wash breakdown clothes separately
--Shower (focus on face and exposed skin/hair)
--Brush teeth
--Scrub Nails to get anything out from under them.
Most important of all is to not use your house as the breakdown area. Keep material outside always.
This is probably the best process but it is also a lot to do just to prevent contamination.