Safety, safety, safety. I have become so used to wearing safety glasses, even when pouring molten metal and also wearing a face shield, that I tend to wear them no matter what type of work I am doing. Even when removing a metal button and slag from a slag mold, I wear them. Too many times they have saved pieces of glass/slag from hitting my eyes. Thermal expansion makes the slag pop and throw pieces of tiny shards of glass a good distance.
As other have suggested, I'm going to as well. Wear safety goggles. I know it seems silly and that they can become uncomfortable sometimes, but you will soon get used to them and then feel naked not wearing them. Wear them, they cost less than loosing an eye. Wear them whenever you are working on anything, even if you don't think you need them. You never know what might shatter, break, pop off and end up in your eye.