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Dirty Tricks of the trade.

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  1. #1
    pwajunkie started this thread.
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    Dirty Tricks of the trade.

    I took a truck load of shed today to DH Griffin. While unloading a old man parked in frond of me wanted to see what I had. I could tell by his truck he had been scraping for awhile. After pick through and asking a bunch of question about where I got this and that, he told me I should have "weighted" down my load. I asked what do you mean he said I should have pour sand, dirty and rock in some of the openings and cap than off. Interesting thought but I kind think that's illegal? I think I could find myself in some trouble with the yard if I got caught. Of course he said the yard doesn't mind and didn't care. After driving off I got to thinking about how noise he was about where I got my stuff and where I was picking up. Maybe this guy was trying to set me up? Maybe he was trying to get me in trouble so I would stop scraping? I don't think I'll be doing that at all.

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  3. #2
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    Doesn't sound good to me . They are buying scrap metal not rocks, I think they probably do care. I could see the guy sniffing out your source but to set you up up? The world is made of all kinds of minds and way to many are twisted.
    Google first ask questions later!

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  5. #3
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    Good for you...stay honest and you can't lose. Reminds me of a wellknown local, less than respected scrapper who told me that he soaks copper wire in water before he sells it to increase the weight. I wasn't aware that metal would absorb water and haven't tried it. Most everything else he says is wrong or intentionally misleading so I won't take his word on this one either.

    On the other hand, as I load with a skidsteer, I often include grass, dirt and wood and my local yard just overlooks it.....the claw operator said they "need fill dirt" for their low spots anyhow. LOL

    An elderly friend of mine said he once sold 3,000 aluminum cans and he actually went to the bother of dumping all the cigarette butts and any dirt out of each and every one of them first. I complimented him on his honesty.

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  7. #4
    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    Don't be dishonest. That's a really crappy thing to do and a good way to get banned from that yard (or any!). If this guy thinks it's a good idea, let him screw himself over.

    I saw a guy dump a dryer into the shred pile once that had been duct-taped closed and I thought it was a little odd at first but then I thought maybe he tossed some toasters or something in there to save space. After a he threw something else in, it hit the dryer, popped it open and four bricks fell out. I was the only one that saw it and he took right off back to the scale. I never want to be that guy. I want the yard boss and manager to see me and know that I'm on the up and up because someday, I want a commercial account with them. Honesty is the best policy.
    "Don't try to be a great man, just be a man. Let history make its own judgments"

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  9. #5
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    If you get caught doing something like that you will most likely get banned from that yard and dont be surprised if you get blacklisted from others in your area. Scrappers are not the only ones who talk to each other.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  11. #6
    redcrossnj's Avatar
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    People like that should face charges. I love my yard they know me on a first name basis. The guy at my pay window is a great guy. They have guys now who watch the shred pile and take out non ferrous items . There eyes cant be everywhere so I give them a heads up when I see something non ferrous they would want. They are very appreciative.

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  13. #7
    pwajunkie started this thread.
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    I have no plans of doing anything like that. This is just side work/hobby. Just some extra play money to feed my other hobbies.

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  15. #8
    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    That guy is basically stealing from that yard if he's putting dead weight into his loads. Send an anonymous letter to the yard with the guy's truck and plate number. He's sowing seeds of distrust and in the end, screwing us over more than he's gaining. What a douchecanoe.
    Last edited by MattyNoNeck; 09-19-2014 at 12:41 PM. Reason: I don't know the difference between wait and weight, apparently

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  17. #9
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    Reminds me a thread on here a while back. One guy said he liked upholstered office chairs because the plastic and fabric all went to the tally weight. He then added he really liked to drop them on a rainy day. I'm not sure if he was joking but I am pretty sure the yards aren't interested in buying water.

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  19. #10
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    He is stealing money from YOU!

    Due to dishonesty like this the yard may have to offer less for shred then if everyone was honest. Costing YOU money!

    Want to get your money? Let the yard boss know that you want the most out of each of your scrap loads. Tell them that another one of their customers suggested a way for you to get more for your scrap loads and you thought you better check with the yard boss to make sure it was ok.

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  21. #11
    matador's Avatar
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    I go the other way- I try to clean my loads. I'll hose them down a few days before I load the truck. Most of the dirt is washed off, and I know that the yard gets steel, not junk.

    I know the people at the yard on a first name basis. By being nice and honest with them, it goes a lot farther. I get free truck tires from him, and he doesn't pay me a whole $2 extra per load for dirt

    I think I'm coming ahead with the tires alot more than the guy with sand is. Out here, steel goes for $0.05 per pound. If he can pad 100 pounds of sand in, he's made a whopping $5. That's pretty stupid if you ask me.

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  23. #12
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    There is one bit of good info that person gave you that you can count on. If he will steal from the yard through fraud, he'll steal from you much quicker.

    These kind %^&*((&%^ is the reason we are getting .06/.09 rather then .15 for shred and light iron. Him and those like him are not stealing from the yard they compensate for such people with lower prices , they are stealing from ALL of US and our family's
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  25. #13
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I had a friend suggest this once. I told him in a very nice manner he was an idiot if he did this, an not to ever mention it to me again.

    I like my yard, an my yard likes me. My yard treats me right, an I treat them right. My yard doesn't screw me, an I don't screw them. Even the not as good as my yard yard I wouldn't do this to. To whoever suggested dropping note, I say screw it an go right on it that office an tell them face to face. Your saving them money. You owe this thieving jerk off of a douchecanoe(Thanks Matty!) nothing.

    An before anyone starts up about snitching or whatnot, when you affect my lively hood an the that of my family I don't really give a **** what you call it; Your a thief if you do this, an deserve to be ratted out an giving the huge foot shoved up your ass by karma. I don't like thief's. Specially jackasses like this one. Him an the people like him who would use dirty tactics like this are the first to scream an whine when someone screws them. They are also why our industry gets such a bad rap. Like everything else in life you can trace the blame to the idiots of the world.

    Down here if my yard caught someone doing that, the can of ass whooping that would be opened spectacular.

    An I really like the word douchecanoe. I am now stealing this.

    Sirscrapalot - An next I'll tell you how I REALLY feel.

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  27. #14
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Specially jackasses like this one. Him an the people like him who would use dirty tactics like this are the first to scream an whine when someone screws them. They are also why our industry gets such a bad rap.
    I agree with this Sir;
    They would be the first one to scream and cry when the yard screwed him out of a quarter at the pay window.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  29. #15
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunkman View Post
    Good for you...stay honest and you can't lose. Reminds me of a wellknown local, less than respected scrapper who told me that he soaks copper wire in water before he sells it to increase the weight. I wasn't aware that metal would absorb water and haven't tried it. Most everything else he says is wrong or intentionally misleading so I won't take his word on this one either.

    On the other hand, as I load with a skidsteer, I often include grass, dirt and wood and my local yard just overlooks it.....the claw operator said they "need fill dirt" for their low spots anyhow. LOL

    An elderly friend of mine said he once sold 3,000 aluminum cans and he actually went to the bother of dumping all the cigarette butts and any dirt out of each and every one of them first. I complimented him on his honesty.
    When you earn your reputation and don't hide stuff, little things like this tend to get overlooked.

    A couple years ago, my buddy and I used a stake rack dump to haul scrap. The pickiest jerk of a load inspector waved us to dump while watching every piece that someone else was unloading. And that privilege was earned, not given
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  31. #16
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Yea big difference in some dirt an grass that is expected when using a machine like a skid steer, then say...tossing an extra 500lbs of sand or bricks or rocks or water.

    Your yard knows your not doing it to screw them and profit off them. So I don't put you in the same group as this jerk. Nor do i consider someone who throws a coffee machine in whole in the same group as the jerk. I mean some stuff is going to get in that isn't metal we know this an the yard knows this. It's bad for everyone when people try to cheat a yard with bricks, rocks, sand, etc.

    My rep an my word are worth a whole lot more then .07lb.

    I'd like to hear from 56 an are other yard or former yard owners on this topic.

    Sirscrapalot - The local town called, they would like their idiot back. - As seen on a t shirt.

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  33. #17
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    My yard an employee will come up to you and instruct you where to dump and glance in the back to see what kind of load you have so he can radio the office/pay window. As your unloading into the "pile" there is an employee in the big crane/magnet overlooking the unloading process. I imagine if he spotted anything obvious then something would be said. Doesn't hover around behind you tho.

    The one on the left is loading a baler with loose shred and the right one is loading a semi to go to Ft Wayne.

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  35. #18
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    Don't part take in those dirty tricks, they will eventually catch up to you. Build a good honest reputation and the payoff will be exceeding.
    Your Trash-My Cash
    Yours Truly, TheRecycler:

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  37. #19
    greytruck's Avatar
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    One winter i seen a fridge with bowling balls in it and then they filled it with water that froze. No door on it. Yard guys were lookin at it like wtf. Or the guys that piss behind there truck door when yard dude aint lookin. Is it really worth it???

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  39. #20
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I admit I feel kinda bad about low grade boards and keyboards going into shred but I guess they have to go somewhere

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