Read some of my posts for dismantling the
microwave. All the info's there.
Theres about 1Kg of Copper in it & some heavy chunks of iron core that add up quicklyish.
The only tough bit is the magnatron (its mostly Copper, 80 grams copper actually) & picking the welded on stainless steel ends off it.
The stainless is dangerously sharp when cut & theres that poisonous pink ceramic end thing on it, as above.
Televisions can be so scrap metalscrap metalscrap metalscrap metal dangerous, well the tube is, & the capacitor.
The first time I saw a screen explode was scrap metalscrap metalscrap metalscrap metal close to being the last thing I saw..........
16 foot dia circle of 1 to 3 inch glass shards with a gap in the frag zone the shape of my upper torso.
I tapped the side of it with a hammer, just a little tap too. BOOM!
What I do is put something soft like a few layers of carpet & turn the TV screen down onto the carpet.
Actually no, the first thing I do is put some heavy clothing on & the safety specs with side protection & flipdown plastic visor & earmuffs.
Done that? Good, now, as before..
Face down, remove screws & slip back off, remember the ariel & switch & RCA socket wires must be cut.
Short all of the capactors, ie, find them, use a insulated screwdriver or such insulated tool & connect the two spots of wire/solder under the capactor together.
You will have 1 of 3 things happen, 1 nothing, 2 small spark, 3 'CracK BANG' as it shorts out. Its pleasing when that happens.
Now gently pull the circut board off the tube end, make sure nothing (like wires or plastic clips) gets caught up & make sure its level (inline) with the tube as its pulled off. Don't pull it sideways at all.
Of everything I have done with scrapmetal. THIS IS THE MOST DANGEROUS THING I have ever done.!
I put a 2 inch gash in my arm, down to the meat, & tied a rag around it & kept on going.
But when Im doing the CRT tube, I'm scrap metalscrap metalscrap metalscrap metalting myself.
Theres a small plastic cap, slip that off, put a rag over the end of the tube & using plyers, grab the little melted tube in the centre of the circle of pins & twist it over.
There should be small 'crack' & you will hear the gas get sucked into the screen, it may take a while, anything from 10 seconds to close to a minute. You will know when its done.
Don't let anything get close to it when its sucking in air, I'd say it could suck all of the blood out of you if you even gave it a chance.
'In the wild' when I find a TV in a remote place & I just want to strip it there & then, then sort it out at home.
I tip it on its face, on something soft, like grass, NOT gravel or stones.
Then I kick sideways at the approate part of the rear of the screen untill I hear the 'crack', then the gas gets sucked in.
Then I just keep kicking it in the right places till I can pick all of the parts out.
I did otice yesterday when I scrapped a found TV that the wire thats stuck to the screen with the suction cup looking thing, gave off a spark at some point when I ripped it all off.
I think there could be a 'charge' still in the screen somehow. Its rings a bell somehow.
I have noticed that when I cut car windscreens with my loppers that the glass sparks when I cut it. Pretty.
I think its like those mentos when you chew them, they make sparks.
Same as when you pull two strips of sticky tape apart, sparks. Or smack a peizo crystal. Spark.
The TV tube cannot be recycled, the fronts lead glass & over a inch thick.
Theres a metal band around it & two thin sheets of iron insde of thee screen too.