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an idea for apartment complexes

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  1. #1
    Gnraxlrose88 started this thread.
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    an idea for apartment complexes

    So, almost EVERY time I go to my parents I manage to pull SOMETHING outta the dumpster...I've pulled out computers, tvs, fans, car parts, metal tables/plant stands....and thats just off the top of my head. In the hallways managment posts notices (when their doing a fire alarm check, rummage sales, keeping vehicles locked, don't run/jump in hallways, etc.) A thought crossed my mind: Possibly talking to the managment about posting signs for e-waste and metal pickup/removal. I figure this will keep stuff out of the dumpsters, people won't feel like they have to carry all the junk TO the dumpster, and possibly more leads from the managment company. I don't know what they do with applicances when they replace them, they have on site maintenance and rarely call in outside companies. But, my fear is what BAD could come from this...I know the complex across the street from theirs has quite a few bug infested units, and although I highly doubt theirs any on my parents side, I'd hate to load my car up with a nice pickup just to unload it and have roaches scurrying to find hiding spots. Has anyone tried anything like this before? Or even contacting managment companies?

  2. #2
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    In my trunk I keep contractor grade (real thick) plastic bags. Anything that may contain bugs goes into a bag and zip tied closed. As for talking with management, beware that you may be giving them the idea that there is money in their dumpster. Not always a good thing.

    BTW, bugs and stench keep out the weak minded and leave it for the strong. Not always a bad thing.

    Off topic, the worst I had in my trunk was fresh roadkill skunk for the pelt. You get used to it.
    Last edited by JPete; 07-17-2012 at 10:56 AM.

  3. #3
    arnofarrell's Avatar
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    Thats a good idea Gnraxl. JPete- During hunting and trapping season ( fall and winter) I have my wife pick up road kill for me. Where I live there are raccoons everywhere. I can make a decent haul of furs from road kill. Last year we got 10 raccoons from the side of the road. On rare occasions we will see a fox or even coyote, there worth alot more.

  4. #4
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Where do you sell road kill pelts. The only one I've ever herd of waring coon skin was Davy Crocket or Daniel Boon.

  5. #5
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    I believe management possibly already knows of this to a degree. You can bet the scrappers go thru there a lot if in a fair size city. I'm working at 2 sites right now in Memphis and generaly see 1-3 trucks a day come thru the project's. I wasn't paying attention when the guy's were moving out appliances and found out they were putting the in the storge room the hard way. I was on another site working and one ofthe guy's goes back to the shop, I didn't know what for except that he had to go open the shop for someone. I found out about 2 hours later that he ws letting the scrap guy in to get the appliance's. I contacted mangement and told them to hold onto the appliances from now on and I would take it in to the scrp yard and use the proceeds to take the guy's out for lunch. Management was fine with that.
    We buy electronic scrap, Gold Karat scrap, gold filled, refined gold, silver and many other item's.

  6. #6
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    I scrap the dumpsters at the apartment complex I live at and I fully agree with Jpete about the stench. I like the smell of money more than I dislike the smell of 30 lbs. of crushed beer and soda cans. The maintenance people are even nice enough to put the heavy stuff off to the side for me: cast iron hand railings, ceiling fans, faucets, track liting. Since there's 90 plus apartments where I live everyone has a vacuum cleaner, box fans, microwaves, bed frames. Its a never ending revolving door of things people throw away that I turn into money.

  7. #7
    cumanawat's Avatar
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    apt. maintenance

    I work as maintenance, and have been scrapping for a few years now. The only thing I leave for the divers are the mattresses, plus its not worth it cause of the bed bugs. But I collect every piece of metal from punches, plus I'm hvac certified so I get all the a/c's. It's a part time job within a fulltime job!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    Where do you sell road kill pelts. The only one I've ever herd of waring coon skin was Davy Crocket or Daniel Boon.
    Not to hijack the thread, but recycle is recycle. If you get it fresh and good shape, you can sell to a furrier. Years ago muskrat went for $3 a pelt and skunks were $5 and up.

    On topic, when I was around 12 I got a harrassed by a cop for dumpster diving at apartments. The manager came out and told the cop to leave me alone, that he has seen me for years and it was okay. Sometimes it is a good thing to have management get to know you.

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  10. #9
    Gnraxlrose88 started this thread.
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    I know theirs one guy for sure (besides me) who digs my parents dumpster, but he's one of those...disrespectful looking people. I understand fully after a day your going to look dirty, but this guy clearly doesnt bathe often. Plus I've seen maintenance toss TVA and such into the dumpsters that people have set on the ground. As for appliances, I don't know what they do. I know they have a couple garages of tools, but one guy has a PT cruiser and the other an S10 with a I doubt their hauling much

  11. #10
    cumanawat's Avatar
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    Most apartment owners are cheapskates, so they fix and repair as much as they can, and buy new only when really needed. I get way more water heaters and a/c units then appliances.

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