Sorry, not
real gold. =P Don't we all wish.
As most of us (here in the States, anyway) know, most of the US is under a drought. Never realized it could have much of a positive until I took a stroll by the lake in my apartment complex - the water level's dropped so much it's stranded tons of cans (and other misc non-metallic debris) on the rocks and spots near drains. Next day off I'm going to go muck about down there and see what I can find.
Since this is my apartment complex, I'm probably fine... but another complex, I'd ask the property manager, just to be safe. I'm guessing public parks are probably fair game. I'm avoiding other neighborhoods and anything that's close to someone's house or backyard. Don't want to scare someone or take something that's not mine, ya know? (Though wearing a generic safety vest might help to not make people uneasy seeing some random guy wandering around with a trashbag

I'm going to try using Google Maps to look for other small bodies of water or streams around apartment complexes.
Anyone else taking advantage of the drought?