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me and my friend went to chill along the tiny little never used dock by my house and there was a tugboat parked along it, wth? then some scruffy ass dude hops out and into a truck that was parked right by the water and drove away...
and in the bed of the truck? a bunch of seagrassy, scalded, molusk covered chunks of metal
Man I wish I was your friend so i could have been on that tiny, little dock that is never used by your house. And saw a tug boat just sitting there. I'd be like, "WTH?" and then to see some Scruffy ass dude hop out and drive away! Crazy! Did he hop out of the tug boat? Did he have a beard and cigar like a tug boat captain? Did he take the boat with him? Man and all that mysterious chunks of metal. That story has my mind going of all the possibilities. Did you get any pictures? Please finish the story. I can't handle the suspense.