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How to find junk cars

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  1. #1
    laromana started this thread.
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    How to find junk cars

    Where are good places to find junk cars for scrap? I've checked my local auto body shops and only one shop that sells junk cars but for the same price I'd get at a scrap yard.
    I don't have any contacts with any scrap yards, is there any way I can find a junk car to buy for scrap?

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laromana View Post
    Where are good places to find junk cars for scrap? I've checked my local auto body shops and only one shop that sells junk cars but for the same price I'd get at a scrap yard.
    I don't have any contacts with any scrap yards, is there any way I can find a junk car to buy for scrap?
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by laromana View Post
    Where are good places to find junk cars for scrap? I've checked my local auto body shops and only one shop that sells junk cars but for the same price I'd get at a scrap yard.
    I don't have any contacts with any scrap yards, is there any way I can find a junk car to buy for scrap?
    This is likely to be your easiest source for vehicles.

    Go here: craigslist

    Find your local area.

    Input various keywords, such as:

    Doesn't/won't run

    Doesn't/won't start

    Parting out

    Mechanical/electrical/transmission problems


    Blown head gasket/ head gasket(s)

    Needs work or Mechanics special

    Runs rough/bad

    Blown engine

    Transmission slipping



    Car accident

    Must sell






    I'm sure I have more but that's all I can think of for now.

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  5. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Maybe you should start with cans and while you are out collecting those you will start to get a feel for the cars that haven't moved in a while.
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  7. #5
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Seems Gustavus is the guy to ask.
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  9. #6
    Craasher's Avatar
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    Gus doesn't have to find cars. He is such a Canadian legend that the cars just come to his yard to die. Its like the secret elephant graveyard of scrap cars.

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    Gus is... The worlds most interesting man.

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  13. #8
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Without prejudiced the Reserves have been one of my best sources for old beaters.

    Many years ago while doing a Res on Vancouver Island, the band counsel passed a by-law that no band member could have a beater sitting in their yard. Don't expect this hospitality from every Res you visit.

    Full list for all of Canada.
    List of Indian reserves in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Full list for the U.S.A. List of Indian reservations in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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  15. #9
    kane333's Avatar
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    My 2 cents about scrapping cars. My gf's son who lives with us scraps 1-2 cars a month and makes ok money. A lot of work though. He has a Chevy dually diesel with a trailer that he uses to go pick up the vehicles. It's only worth his time and effort if he doesn't have to pay more than $50-100 per vehicle figuring in time and fuel costs. When he gets the vehicle back here, he has to take off the tires and rims, punch a hole in the gas tank and drain the fuel, then haul it back out to the yard for maybe $300-400 depending on vehicle weight. Cut out the catalytic converter for another $30-40, and, on my advice, I told him he should cut out as much of the wiring harness as he can easily get to and save that also. So after time and fuel costs, he usually ends up making $200-300 or so. Not bad for half a day's work. Problem is, everyone and their mother is trying to do the same thing so pickings are slim and some times, there'll be a month or two dry spell.

    So, I've been contemplating this idea. I haven't tried it yet but I think it could work and be more profitable. I've seen school and transit buses on auctions going for $500-2000. School buses weigh (depending on model) between 15-25k lbs. Transit buses are in the neiborhood of 35-40k lbs, more if they have the handicap lifts on them. Since this would take a large wrecker to haul anyway, transit buses would be the choice. Lets say a bus sold for $1500 at auction. The wrecking compay charges $500-750 depending on how far it has to haul the bus. On a 35k pound bus, the profit could potentially be in the neiborhood of $1500-2000 per bus scrapped. Problem is, finding a yard close enough to the auction site that would be able to handle something as big as a bus without having to pay the tow company an arm and a leg to haul this thing around town, or not having the tools to remove the tires (3/4 or preferably 1 inch pneumatic impact), or what to do with those tires if you could get them off because you sure couldn't sell them very easily which would eat into the profit. Yards pay less if the tires are still on the vehicle. But even yet, there is a potential there.

    Another idea. Dead forklifts. They weigh in the neiborhood of 10-15k pounds. No fuel to have to remove unless they're diesel (which can be reused in the dually). Smaller tires and rims. I've seen those go from $150-500 on some auction sites. And your local tow company that has a typical rollback can handle those usually. Or if you have a hitch and trailer that can handle a load like that you'd save a couple $$'s from having to pay a tow company. A better profit potential for the same amount of work as trying to scrap a car? Just a couple of thoughts.

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  17. #10
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    or what to do with those tires if you could get them off because you sure couldn't sell them very easily which would eat into the profit. Yards pay less if the tires are still on the vehicle.
    Those big bus tires are close to the same size as semi tires and you should be able to find a buyer for them, even if they use them for recaps.
    Then you would have a truckload of steel rims to scrap, it would take a few phone calls to get everything on the same page but when you did you could do one a day. Cha-Ching

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  19. #11
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Those big bus tires are close to the same size as semi tires and you should be able to find a buyer for them, even if they use them for recaps.
    Then you would have a truckload of steel rims to scrap, it would take a few phone calls to get everything on the same page but when you did you could do one a day. Cha-Ching
    I used to sell tire carcases for re-capping and made some decent money at it, better learn how to pre-grade your carcases because the capper charges large. The shop will spend 15 to 20 minutes examining each carcass adding to the cost of your rejects.

    Earth moving equipment, skidder, grader and loader tires is where the big money is to be had in the recapping business, once again you have to learn when to leave a tire behind.

    Large loader tires with chunks and slices could still bring in reasonable bucks while smaller truck types would be rejected on the basis of how common the tire is giving the capper the choice to purchase premium casings.
    Last edited by gustavus; 09-21-2012 at 02:25 AM.

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  21. #12
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    is he taking the converters to the scrap yard? if so that is a mistake!
    make friends with a mechanic, there are guys that go to garages and pay real money for converters
    some are worth 20-50 each but a lot are worth more I got 150 for the converter set off a 97 f150

    Quote Originally Posted by kane333 View Post
    My 2 cents about scrapping cars. My gf's son who lives with us scraps 1-2 cars a month and makes ok money. A lot of work though. He has a Chevy dually diesel with a trailer that he uses to go pick up the vehicles. It's only worth his time and effort if he doesn't have to pay more than $50-100 per vehicle figuring in time and fuel costs. When he gets the vehicle back here, he has to take off the tires and rims, punch a hole in the gas tank and drain the fuel, then haul it back out to the yard for maybe $300-400 depending on vehicle weight. Cut out the catalytic converter for another $30-40, and, on my advice, I told him he should cut out as much of the wiring harness as he can easily get to and save that also. So after time and fuel costs, he usually ends up making $200-300 or so. Not bad for half a day's work. Problem is, everyone and their mother is trying to do the same thing so pickings are slim and some times, there'll be a month or two dry spell.

    So, I've been contemplating this idea. I haven't tried it yet but I think it could work and be more profitable. I've seen school and transit buses on auctions going for $500-2000. School buses weigh (depending on model) between 15-25k lbs. Transit buses are in the neiborhood of 35-40k lbs, more if they have the handicap lifts on them. Since this would take a large wrecker to haul anyway, transit buses would be the choice. Lets say a bus sold for $1500 at auction. The wrecking compay charges $500-750 depending on how far it has to haul the bus. On a 35k pound bus, the profit could potentially be in the neiborhood of $1500-2000 per bus scrapped. Problem is, finding a yard close enough to the auction site that would be able to handle something as big as a bus without having to pay the tow company an arm and a leg to haul this thing around town, or not having the tools to remove the tires (3/4 or preferably 1 inch pneumatic impact), or what to do with those tires if you could get them off because you sure couldn't sell them very easily which would eat into the profit. Yards pay less if the tires are still on the vehicle. But even yet, there is a potential there.

    Another idea. Dead forklifts. They weigh in the neiborhood of 10-15k pounds. No fuel to have to remove unless they're diesel (which can be reused in the dually). Smaller tires and rims. I've seen those go from $150-500 on some auction sites. And your local tow company that has a typical rollback can handle those usually. Or if you have a hitch and trailer that can handle a load like that you'd save a couple $$'s from having to pay a tow company. A better profit potential for the same amount of work as trying to scrap a car? Just a couple of thoughts.

  22. #13
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    And there are a million car buyers out there.
    I am not actively seeking to grow my car side, but i also have to borrow a trailer every time i get one.

  23. #14
    Libertytow's Avatar
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    there are tons of ploaces to get junk cars trick is knowing how to buy them i can get 11 geo metros for $3300 but make no profit

    ask 2ndary rental car agencies i"ve always had good luck 2ndary meaning they buy like 1991 plymouth accaims hertaz avis enterprise will no talk to you
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  24. #15
    multimetalrollsindia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    This is likely to be your easiest source for vehicles.

    Go here: craigslist

    Find your local area.

    Input various keywords, such as:

    Doesn't/won't run

    Doesn't/won't start

    Parting out

    Mechanical/electrical/transmission problems


    Blown head gasket/ head gasket(s)

    Needs work or Mechanics special

    Runs rough/bad

    Blown engine

    Transmission slipping



    Car accident

    Must sell






    I'm sure I have more but that's all I can think of for now.
    Thanks fir the info !!

  25. #16
    jghilino's Avatar
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    I buy all mine off craigslist in the $500-$900 range depending on what it is and the condition and options. My best buy this year is a 99 chevy blazer that runs good with no major issues, paid $700, im asking $1500 for it.

    And if i add $50 onto the sellers full asking price they will usually deliver it to me.

  26. #17
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Libertytow View Post
    there are tons of ploaces to get junk cars trick is knowing how to buy them i can get 11 geo metros for $3300 but make no profit

    ask 2ndary rental car agencies i"ve always had good luck 2ndary meaning they buy like 1991 plymouth accaims hertaz avis enterprise will no talk to you
    i can turn a $1,000 profit on a $300 metro all day long, it takes more than knowing how to buy them to make money, the ac system alone will bring $350, wheels tires $200 if the tires are good,$60 for fuel pump, $20 in gasoline, $60 for the cat, $500 mechanical parts, body parts $300, interior parts $300. Buddy and i can tear one all the way down in 8 hours for $100 in labor costs plus $20 for a case of beer.
    Last edited by jghilino; 10-01-2012 at 12:58 PM.

  27. #18
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    RE: IdahoScrapper

    Craigslist is the way to go, but I would recommend looking into smaller towns. There aren't many recycling places there and higher chance to get the cheapest car for scraps. Also, check smaller dealerships. They always have car donors, which they need to get rid of to get most money back. It's a win win situation on both parties.

    Best of luck.

    Recycle the earth for the best of us!

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