We commercial fish,spend a lot of time on the river. I have gathered quite a bit of scrap along there.you would be amazed at the number of metal tanks you find floating. When the water level is low, i look for stuff thats settled in along the bank. When the river is flooding,everything that didnt get moved comes floating by. freezers,refrigoraters, i get a lot of pressure tanks off well systems,guess they hold plenty of air. Me and my dad found a butane tank during the spring 2011 flood. the owner gave us $100, for bringing it in.I find a lot of useful lumber also. bridge planks, cross ties,lot of treated boards.Old boats,even fiberglass have some scrap,batteries,brass,stainless or aluminum fittings.electric wire.ya get lucky find a bronze or aluminium prop once in a while. I find a lot of plastic drums,there always handy.