Hey everyone, just have a lead for some of you.
I worked for Radioshack for 3 years up until July and had a great time working there. One of our duties was to help dispose of batteries for customers. We only recycled certain battery types and even then most of the Radioshacks I have worked at toss away several types of batteries. Since I left on good terms with the current managers, I went over there and asked them about the batteries. I immediately got 2 security system lead acid batteries and I gave them my card for future pick ups.
As I see it, the following batteries should be able to be recovered through them due to them not wanting to be fined when shipping batteries to recycle them,
Lead Acid (Security system, Scooter, and occasionally an automotive)
Li-Ion (Cell phones, laptops)
Alkaline AAs (although I doubt these are sellable)
Lithium (AAs)
I got my two local Shacks and seeing as its not too much of a load to travel around to other locations, thought Id pass this by to you guys.