When I was looking for equipment for my recovery and refining process I came across a remarketer not far from where I live.
Over time, I have built an excellent working relationship with my remarketer friend. The business relationship has been wonderful to say the least. I first started refining material he bought from electronics manufacturers in trade for equipment but since then I have helped him in identifying scrap that contains precious metal bearing components, introduced him to people he can sell to that scrap into forms that refiners like myself can deal with and in the end I end up with equipment and material to process, my business relationships with these people strengthen, and everyone makes money.
When looking for scrap to process, this might be an avenue for those of you who have remarkerts close by. This particular remarketer sells the items they purchase on
ebay and other places. When they cannot sell what they have, they usually scrap it at a scrap yard. However, if this material can be pulled out of the waste stream by scrappers, I think potentially the remarketer will make more money, the scrapper will make more money and more "stuff" will end up getting recycled. Seems like a win/win situation.
If you want to quickly locate these people, you can try this. Go on ebay and look for the type of equipment you would ideally like to scrap. Lets use telecom equipment for example. Then change your results option to "closest" so that you are looking at people selling that type of equipment in relation to your physical location. Then start opening up auctions and looking at their stores. I found the one I am dealing with originally because I was searching for fume hoods on ebay.
Remarkerters you may want to search for
Medical equipment
Laboratory equipment
Electronic Manufacture equipment
Military electronics
Just another place to find scrap!