Hi all, I've been reading the forum for a while now and learning lots of good stuff like how scrapable computers are (still trying to learn how far to take that cleaning/not cleaning boards). Thanks for that

. Anyway, I only scrap part time but I know of a pretty good source that I haven't seen on here yet. My older brother works for the Highway Department here in Mississippi and he brings home all sorts of stuff (in fact the majority of what we scrap). He has brought home enough to fill up the old dairy barn we use to hold it all several times. Although most of it is tin or short iron quality, he has found some nice stuff too. A good set of tie-down straps, a rubber mallet, an old push mower, a rusty cat and the exhaust pipe, and this steel bar.

It was originally 20ft long or more, but he and two coworkers cut it up and our part was a little over 5ft long and it is about 2in thick. Can't wait to see what we get for it at the yard. Just wanted to put this idea out there and add my little bit to this awesome forum. Btw, we also have our family collect their foil, pie plates/pans and food cans/spray cans. It's all metal and our yard takes it.