I love watching people throw away money. This photo shows a contractor dumping a refrigerator and a stove at the local transfer station. Unfortunately the transfer station frowns on scavenging...
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I love watching people throw away money. This photo shows a contractor dumping a refrigerator and a stove at the local transfer station. Unfortunately the transfer station frowns on scavenging...
Last edited by BurlyGuys; 02-02-2013 at 02:13 PM.
Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
John Terrell (248) 224-2188
Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329
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Not knowing is always costly
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talk to him next time if you can and offer to pick them up at his site next time, or get the # off the truck and call next time you see it happen
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I wanted to cry the other day. I saw a 40 yard dumpster of office chairs and cubicles being dumped at the transfer station
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Worse than that is seeing people dump whole frigs and washers and driers like that at the scrap yard. Sometimes it's not knowing and some times it's lazyness.
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Looks like he also threw out a Garbage disposal. There goes a nice electric motor.
Made in China, Recycled in the Republic of Texas!
"When the mind fails, brute force prevails" - CTSSolutions
But if people didnt do that, where would i get all my stuff?
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If you want to get the most scrap, work at your local transfer station, get paid to scrap! It's what I am doing currently and its flippen fun! Everything people throw away comes to me and I get paid by the hour while I am picking scrap out of the trash. Though some of the time you gotta wash the scrap off lol. Most of the time I double my pay check and sometimes more with just picking the scrap out of the trash at work lol. Not to mention people throw away some pretty valuable stuff that is NOT scrap but can be sold on Feebay. Yes they say no scavenging but if you work there they look the other way as long as it does not cause problems and the customers don't see it going on. A lot of people get weird about it and sometimes even call the main boss lol these people apparently have nothing better to do! I say its good for me and its good for the company and its good for the environment!
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do they sort it at a transfer station? looks like half of the load is non-metal
I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at jghilino@hotmail.com
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It depends on the transfer station the one I work at sorts the "white goods" like refrigerators and stuff it all goes in a roll off dumpster and then is sold to a contractor for about half the market value lol.
Most of the contractors i know, always say time is money, and i guess for them it is. if your bidding on a job ya want in want out quick as possible. And i'm sure liability could be an issue about letting somebody on the jobsite thats not on the contractor payroll.homeowners might not care for it. The time is money thing does lead to a lot of waste, the old school guys would use up the scrap stuff to try to save on material, lot of them just go grab another sheet to cut, quicker than dealing with the scrap stuff.
just wondering about the transfer station in the usa if this rule applies or not.
All items belong to owner until its unloaded and on council ground/transfer station property.
I have used this law plenty of times in New Zealand.Is this the same in the usa?
I see the same truck 2-3 times a month at my scrapyard dumping a whole big box truck worth of appliances into the shred pile. They don't strip motors, compressors, or even wire. I think they may be from an appliance store, and they're just getting rid of the old appliances that they are taking away after delivery of new stuff.
I would have to guess between 20 and 30 appliances every time I see them. I wonder how many times they do that?
I approached them and asked why they didn't strip the appliances, and suggested that at that volume they were leaving a ton of money on the table. They said they didn't have time to worry with it. I asked if they would be interested in letting me come in and take what I want, and I would do a 50% split with them, and I would pay them their share on the spot. They said they didn't want to fool with it.
Broke my heart, I tell ya'.
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you get hurt processing there scrap and they are liable for it, i understand the reasons why we get turned away so much. What about if you outright buy it from them and haul it off for them. Cut there man hours and overhead completely out of the equation. That might get there attention. But even then its hard to trust someone you haven't done business with before.
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I need an answer, who was doing the filming and where??If only they weren't filming...
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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