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  1. #1
    silversurfer started this thread.
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    Thumbs up thermofax machines worth more than scrap

    Has anyone come across thermofax machines? I found one on the curb the other day here in Perth Australia. It was all intact minus the cord. I was going to scrap it because it is heavy machine full of ally and copper and engine bits. Something told me it might be a collectable so I looked it up. It is still in use by screen printing artists and tatooists. If you find one, see if you can let it go for less than scrap because I sold mine on within 24 hours for A$50. I'm convinced the guy got a great deal from me and I could have got a lot more. Any thoughts from others?

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  3. #2
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    From Wiki> As of 2009, Thermofax machines were still widely used by artists. In addition to making copies, Thermofax machines can be used to make a "spirit master" for spirit duplicator machines. Tattoo artists use these spirit masters as tattoo stencils, to quickly and accurately mark the outlines of a tattoo on the skin of the person to be tattooed using a transfer solution. Textile and Printmaking artists use these machines for creating silk screens in several seconds by running a piece of Riso film through with a photocopied image}

    $1100 !!!!$$$$$!!!

    Thermofax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Very different from a normal fax I think Fax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    $650 winning bid!
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 02-10-2013 at 09:59 PM.

  4. #3
    silversurfer started this thread.
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    Yes, but mine was a vintage machine from at least the 50s. My buyer was willing to take without knowing whether it worked or not.The one you have here is definitely one to look out for given the popularity of tattooing.

  5. #4
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silversurfer View Post
    Yes, but mine was a vintage machine from at least the 50s. My buyer was willing to take without knowing whether it worked or not.The one you have here is definitely one to look out for given the popularity of tattooing.
    That was just to show what they look like, I wasn't sure that you didn't actually mean a normal fax at the start. Thats a good pic of one.
    I get the impression that they all can do the tattoists job for him & at your price I think he was on the winning end of a good bargin even if it was a gamble. They must be pretty rare since I have never actuall heard of one.

    Back, right up to the 80's, our school only used a Gestetner copier (We called it a 'Bandag' or something similar) to copy notices to take home to our parents.
    Anybody who knows of them will have warm fuzzy memories of the sheets being handed out in class & as each kid got theirs, we would wrap it around our faces & breathe in the alcohol fumes........

    Only companys & libraries had photocopy machines back then.

    I think a lot of members here will be on the lookout for the thermofaxes now. Thanks mate, great post, impressive.

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