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Metal Detecting spots?

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  1. #1
    JunkieSlip started this thread.
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    Metal Detecting spots?

    Hey all
    One of my hobbies is metal detecting,and thought hmmm..,,set the unit to accept all junk!!!!===== $$$$$$$$,found lots of copper,brass,and other good stuff ,paid for the detector in a year...not including silver found etc etc

    Also metal detecting old home foundations "celler holes"in the woods yield some major finds,tons of copper piping,coiling,and other cool stuff ,old cars etc etc...

    thought id throw that on....
    plus a detector is a good way to see what type of metal ya got when seperating.....

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  3. #2
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    I agree. I have found copper and brass several times and a few coins. I usually try to detect in the spring and fall when the weeds and bugs aren't too bad. Fun hobby for those who haven't tried it.

    Oh yeah, I'll add another hot spot....under the swing sets at the parks. If there's sand or wood chips I always find some coins there.
    If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....

  4. #3
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I have been wondering about metal dectecting around abandoned gold mine huts etc. Theres quite a few in NZ & its all historical & a little hard to get to without a off road motorbike.

    I'm hoping that there maybe sopts where the old goldminers hid gold & then forgot about it.

    Only found out yesterday that the Gold price per ounce was set at $35 untill 1969......

  5. #4
    searcyarkansasscrapper's Avatar
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    I do metal detecting as well. I seem to have a lot of luck with coins along the old sidewalks around here. Also plenty of other metals buried in the woods to be had.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    I have been wondering about metal dectecting around abandoned gold mine huts etc. Theres quite a few in NZ & its all historical & a little hard to get to without a off road motorbike.

    I'm hoping that there maybe sopts where the old goldminers hid gold & then forgot about it.

    Only found out yesterday that the Gold price per ounce was set at $35 untill 1969......
    Check out the Minelab web site, an Auz company that makes great metal detectors. They also have a forum. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  7. #6
    JunkieSlip started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Check out the Minelab web site, an Auz company that makes great metal detectors. They also have a forum. Mike

    yes i do agree,i was using a old 1999 Minelab Explorer,until it broke 2 months ago - thinkin on what to upgrade to,thats reasonable priced these

    I found everything from coins,coins from the 1700s,silver coins,jewerly,and a wopping 25lbs of old copper in one day!..and even a revolver or parts to guns from 200 years ago,,not to mention primitive farm tools which sell at a good premium these days..all profit!!!!
    People do buy other garbage,and i do have a yearly garage sale which is very profitable..

    BUT i do gain PERMISSION TO METAL DETECT from the Landowner unless the land has fallen into limbo "probate/will records",which are online!or if the land is posted ask the town clerk who owns it....
    Its a great hobby,it takes time to learn ,but the payoff for your time is priceless..!!!!

    In NZ though i am not sure the laws and reg's ,so ya better look at the laws cause u dont wanna end up in the local pokey...

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  9. #7
    LarryB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    I have been wondering about metal dectecting around abandoned gold mine huts etc. Theres quite a few in NZ & its all historical & a little hard to get to without a off road motorbike.

    I'm hoping that there maybe sopts where the old goldminers hid gold & then forgot about it.

    Only found out yesterday that the Gold price per ounce was set at $35 untill 1969......
    Plus the fact that, Nobody had detectors back in those days and they missed a lot of high grade ore by eyeballing and screening etc. I LOVE my three metal detectors and would recommend you get one for yourself to check out those old sites.

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  11. #8

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    It is good to find someone into metal detecting here. I have done quite a bit of metal detecting, but when I UE I try to take minimal kit with me, so the metal detector usually stays behind. I have found old keys, silver rings, pewter lighters, all kinds of pewter crap, and of course coins while metal detecting around old areas.
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